2019 Heritage Park Flag Order

2019 Heritage Park Flag Order
We are partnering up with Operation Service and Central Flag & Gift- Primitive Decor, Furniture, Gifts to bulk order 3x5 Flags for our Heritage Flag Park.
1. Comment HERE on this post if you would like to donate for a flag!
2. We are going to put all the comments together and see how many flags, and how many multiple donations for a flag. From there we can determine how much for a donation...because most flags have differing costs.
3. Donations will be made to Operation Service, a 501c3 Organization. Note "Heritage Park Flag: (Name of country)" on the check or online donation can be made here https://operationservice.net/
You can also bring your deposit to an IC Credit Union and ask for it to be deposited in Operation Service Account. Take a pic of the deposit receipt and note which country flag you are donating for.
*I'll reach out for donation info after we have a flag list.
3. All flags fly on an alphabetical, rotating basis, usually for 1 season they fly (April-November).
4. There are approx 20 flagpoles, so we cannot guarantee exactly when your donated flag will fly (2020/2021)
