Community Outreach Meeting: Green Era LLC

Notice of Community Outreach Meeting

Please let this serve as notice for a community outreach meeting that will be held by Green Era LLC at 5:30pm on Tuesday, October 30th at the Fitchburg Public Library located at 610 Main St, Fitchburg, MA. The purpose of this meeting will
be to discuss a proposed cannabis retail establishment that will
be located at 371 John Fitch Hwy, Fitchburg, MA.

During the course of this meeting the following topics will be
discussed (but will not be limited to):

- Explain the type of marijuana establishment (retail) and
how it will operate – what to expect

- Site Security
- Plans to prevent underage use
- Plans to positively impact the community
- Provide information to show the establishment will not
be a nuisance to the community.
- Take any questions the public may have

The public is invited to attend the meeting to ask any questions
they may have and receive more information on the topic.

Notice has been issued in the Sentinel & Enterprise (will go live on Oct. 23rd) and has also been sent to abutters within 300ft of the establishment, residents, and city departments & authorities from a list acquired from the Assessor.

Thank you,
Management, Green Era LLC