City Council Public Safety Committee Meeting
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019 6pm at Memorial Middle School, 615 Rollstone St, Fitchburg, MA
275-18. Donald J. Cordio, dba Performance Auto Annex, at 1022 Main St., Fitchburg, to reinstate the Automobile Dealer's License as the conditions required by the City Council and the Building Department have been met, as outlined in the enclosed Petition.
063-19. Councilors Michael Kushmerek and Amy Green, to install a crosswalk at Water Street, connecting the newly constructed Water Street Plaza with the Central Plaza (Market Basket), and if necessary, explore pedestrian crossing signalization.
078-19. Councilor Amy Green, on behalf of Katherine Polis, 31 Second Street, to install a no parking sign at the intersection of Second Street & Middle Street. ·
079-19. Carlos Humberto Castano, CHC Auto Sales, to petition for a Class II Dealer's License to be located at 426 River Street.
109-19. Councilor Michael Kushmerek and resident Rhonda Cutler to convert meters 285-293, located on Grove Street, from metered parking to resident only parking.
110-19. Councilors Squailia, Fleming, & Walsh to find remedy to alleviate traffic congestion on John Fitch Highway northbound by adding a right turn only lane as outlined in the petition
159-19. Councillor Marisa Fleming, on behalf of John Belli of 190 Will Thompson Way to have crosswalk at the intersection of John Fitch Highway and Pearl Hill Rd re-evaluated for the safety of students and drivers. ·
161-19. Councillor Marisa Fleming, on behalf of John Belli of 190 Will Thompson Way to eliminate some of the reflectors at the intersection of John Fitch Highway and Pearl Hill Rd.
209-19. Councilor Marisa Fleming, on behalf of John Godek, 3 21 Pearl Street, to have a rotary installed at the intersection of Pearl Street and John Fitch Highway to slow down the traffic turning onto Pearl Street.
242-19. Councillor Paul Beauchemin, on behalf of Jazmin Guzman, 108 Daniels Street, to install a stop sign on the comer of Fairmount Street and Daniels Street in front of the Cleghorn Neighborhood Center.
243-19. Baraka S. Bitariho, to petition for a Class II Dealer's License at 426 River Street, Fitchburg.
252-19. Councillor Paul Beauchemin, that Boulder Drive from Putnam Street be closed to traffic, for pedestrian use only.
"Please note: Massachusetts Open Meeting Law requires that all topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates must be listed and that the list of topics must be sufficiently specific to reasonably inform thepublic of the issues to be discussed at the meeting.