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DPU Hearing on Unitil Electric & Gas Rate Increases 2.26.2020

  • Fitchburg Public Library 610 Main Street Fitchburg, MA, 01420 United States (map)

DPU Public Hearing on Unitil's proposal to increase Electric and Gas Rates

Wed, Feb 26, 2020 7pm

at Memorial Middle School, 615 Rollstone St

2020 2-26 DPU hearing unitil.jpg


DPU 19-130 Regarding Unitil's proposal to increase Electric Rates to raise an additional $2.7M for Unitil---approx 4.1% increase over their total revenues and institute a performance based ratemaking plan for distribution, allowing them to adjust their rate annually based on a 'revenue-cap' formula.

The Company states that if its petition is approved as requested, the proposed rates will have the following effect:

• A residential customer receiving service under Rate RD-1 that uses on average 562 kWh of electricity per month will experience a monthly bill increase of $4.00, or a 2.5 percent increase in current rates; and

• A residential low-income customer receiving service under Rate RD-2 that uses on average 562 kWh of electricity per month will experience a monthly bill decrease of $12.28, or a 10.4 percent decrease in current rates


DPU 19-131 Regarding Unitil's proposal to increase gas rates.

Unitil seeks to increase its rates to generate $7.3 million in additional revenues.

The Company states that if its petition is approved as requested, the proposed rates will have the following effect:

• A residential heating customer receiving service under Rate R-3 that uses on average 110 therms of gas per month during the winter season will experience a monthly bill increase of $45.89, or a 23.4 percent increase in current rates;

• A residential non-heating customer receiving service under Rate R-1 that uses on average 23 therms of gas per month during the winter season will experience a monthly bill increase of $14.40, or a 28.1 percent increase in current rates;

• A residential low-income heating customer receiving service under Rate R-4, that uses on average 107 therms of gas per month during the winter season will experience a monthly

bill increase of $33.62, or a 23.4 percent increase in current rates; and

• A residential low-income non-heating customer receiving service under Rate R-2, that uses on average 27 therms of gas per month during the winter season will experience a

monthly bill increase of $12.14, or a 27.8 percent increase in current rates.

How to submit a public comment?

Any persons interested in commenting on this matter may appear at the public hearing or file written comments with the Department not later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on February 26, 2020.

All documents filed in Department of Public Utilities (DPU) proceedings must be submitted on paper and by email.

Mark D. Marini, Secretary

Department of Public Utilities

One South Station

Boston, MA 02110


E-mail (attach all applicable documents) to and the hearing officer at

The text of the e-mail must specify:

-The docket number of the proceeding (D.P.U. 19-130 & 19-131);

-The name of the person or company submitting the filing (your name/your business name)

- A brief descriptive title of the document (My Public Comment etc)

The email should also include the name, title, and telephone number of a person to contact in the event of questions about the filing.

Any person desiring further information regarding this notice should contact Jessica L. Ellis, Hearing Officer, Department of Public Utilities, at (617) 305-3500.

Public Meeting Location

DPU Public Hearing on Unitil's proposal to increase Electric and Gas Rates

Wed, Feb 26, 2020 7pm

at Memorial Middle School, 615 Rollstone St