Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold.

Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold. Vice-Principal Casey Beaulac is the new Principal at Crocker Elementary. Effective today.

For more information on the transition of Principals within Crocker Elementary School, Reingold and Memorial... I have reached out to now Vice-Principal Clark & have her permission to post her letter, and copying Principal Renda and Principal Beaulac's letters here for clarity.
📣Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold. 📣Vice-Principal Casey Beaulac is the new Principal at Crocker Elementary. 📣Reingold Principal Martha Clark has moved into a new position as a Vice Principal at Memorial Middle School. Effective today.

Reingold School PTO Crocker Elementary School PTO Memorial Middle School

Crocker Elementary School VOTES! 31st year!!

Crocker Elementary School VOTES! 31st year!! Love love love so so much!!


Another amazing year of the Fitchburg Crocker Elementary School's PEACE voting project! Congratulations to the winners of Crocker's 2018 Election: Charlie Baker for Governor, Rick Green for Congress Representative, Senator Dean A. Tran for Senate and Representative Stephan Hay for State Representative.


Monty Tech Vet Science Center Ribbon Cutting

Ribbon Cutting today for the new Monty Tech Vocational High School Vet Science Center! I toured it when it was under construction a few months back...and WOW does it look amazing today! They even have a horse in the classroom ;-) Amazing resource for our community and students at Monty Tech.
So great to have Governor Charlie Baker join us for the ceremony! as well as Congressman Jim McGovern, Senator Dean A. Tran and Representative Stephan Hay (with the ribbon cutting photo credit!).

Rainworks project with Ms Robillards Art Class at Longsjo

I joined with the students and we started in on the #Rainworks project with Ms Robillards Art Class at Longsjo Middle School! Thanks to a grant from the Fitchburg, MA Cultural Council!
When it rains... the FHS Raider and the Longsjo Olympian will start to appear around Longsjo Middle School! Working on more with the kids this week!
It took a few tries to get it right.... but I think we have it down pat!

$2M loan order for 'repairs to school buildings'

At tonight's City Council Meeting, we will be voting on a $2M loan order for 'repairs to school buildings'. With the conditions of Longsjo coming to the forefront of discussions in November 2017, a study was just completed a few weeks ago in January that outlines an estimate for the Longsjo roof repair & replacement.
In the details, it notes in a separate letter from FPS that the plan is for the Longsjo Roof replacement and repairs, where they plan to Replace the Original Slate Roof with Asphalt Shingles, Replace the gutters and Repair the cupola. Total estimated cost per report is $1.3M. 
It's also recommended in the roof report they replace the EPDM (Rubber) roofs (not noted in School Department Letter) adding that to the total cost is $1.67M 🏫