fitchburg forward
Committed to Our community, Committed to Fitchburg

Contribute to the campaign and help our Team Move Fitchburg Forward...Now!
or Mail a Check to: CTE Sam Squailia, 315 Broad St., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Samantha "SAM" Squailia and her husband Nick own a home, operate a successful small business, and most importantly are raising their terrific daughter Niki right here in Fitchburg.
SAM is dedicated to Moving Fitchburg Forward... and it shows through her work and experience:
I am once again honored to be endorsed by the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus ...this time for MAYOR of Fitchburg!!
“The MWPC PAC is proud to endorse Sam Squailia. Sam is a proven leader with a strong track record that reflects our core values of representative governance, reproductive freedom, and civil rights for all. Sam is a bold change maker who will act with care, urgency, and competence to represent all of us as Fitchburg Mayor. A vote for Sam is a vote for our state’s brighter future.” -Shannon Montanez, Chair of the MWPC PAC Board of Directors.
Elected Mayor of Fitchburg in 2023
Three-Term City Councilor-at-Large, First elected in 2017
A.S. & B.S. in Architectural Building Engineering from NEIT in Warwick RI, Working towards M.Arch from Boston Architectural College, Master's Certificate in Sustainable Building Design from BAC, Master’s Certificate in Regulatory Affairs in Cannabis Control from Clark University, Resident Leadership Institute Certificate Cohort 6 from Fitchburg State University.
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Accredited Professional in Building Design & Construction, LEED AP BD&C.
OSHA 10-Hour Certification from US Dept of Labor
Civic Ambassador Steward & Environmental Steward from NewVue Communities.
Producer & Host of Discussing Fitchburg Now on FATV
Working full-time in Architectural Building Engineering & Project Management with 25+ years experience
Owns and operates RusticCraft designs company in Fitchburg
Appointed Member of Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Board by Governor Baker serving since October 2018.
Appointed Member of the Local Government Advisory Commission chaired by Lt. Governor Driscoll
Massachusetts Municipal Association Board Member and Vice-President of the Massachusetts Municipal Councilor’s Association
Coordinating weekly spring Trash Cleanup groups & founded Keep Fitchburg Beautiful
Coordinated successful Fitchburg City-Wide Yard Sales in spring & fall from Sept 2016 through Present with over 400 participating locations, Email
Started a Non-Profit Friends of Fitchburg DOGS, Inc & wrote a $250k grant for our new Fitchburg Dog Park, completed in August 2018. Celebrating 5 years in 2023.
Currently a Director or Volunteer in: Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, Keep Fitchburg Beautiful, Fitchburg Pride, Fitchburg Greenway Committee, Stratton Players, Fitchburg Cultural Alliance, Friends of Fitchburg Abolitionist Park, Friends of Fitchburg DOGS, Inc, Voter Choice MA State Advisory Board, Fitchburg Farmer’s Market, Longsjo PTO
Previous Involvements also include: Janet Cragin Youth Arts Awards, FATV, Civic Days, Crocker PTO, Holiday Decorating Committee, Fitchburg Public Schools Gala Planning Committee, Main Street Live! Fitchburg's Music Festival, Longsjo Classic
Raised in Fitchburg, Committed to Fitchburg's Future
Building Civic, Community & Business Community Partnerships & development #Collaboration #Respect #Energy
Working to improve our City with the help of our citizens; trash cleanups, park cleanups, identifying issues with residents and connecting with city resources to repair/replace
Communicating Fitchburg city initiatives and changes to residents and fielding their input.
Connecting our citizens and surrounding regional community and being a representative voice for the community with our government
Fostering a supportive community culture of our businesses
Connecting our community with what our Businesses have to offer, and promoting our businesses outside of Fitchburg.
Regional Cooperation & Regional Planning strategies; communicating with state and neighboring regions for regional economic development, joint planning & problem solving.
Identifying and enhancing Fitchburg's strongest amenities and communicating those into Economic development planning---parks and recreation, arts and culture, sports and fitness.
Fostering a Cultural Economy to help Cultivate Small Business Growth as an economic revitalization strategy
Encouraging Commercial/Industrial Business base growth to lessen the burden on Residential taxpayers.
Realistic vision for Fitchburg's Present & Future, with respect for its Past
Maintaining our municipal buildings and infrastructure #fixitfirst
Invest in removing and rehabbing blighted properties and retrofitting existing building stock for modern use
Investing in telecommunications upgrades
Utilizing my knowledge of the city infrastructure and extensive Engineering background, as Mayor of Fitchburg one of my first actions will be the development and implementation of a comprehensive Pavement Management Plan for our city.
This plan will streamline our approach to road repair, maintenance, and paving projects by providing transparency, accountability, and long-term strategy. Under my leadership, Fitchburg will establish a Pavement Management Plan that includes a transparent list of road repair, road maintenance, and road paving projects. This comprehensive plan will outline the specific projects to be undertaken for roads, sidewalks, and underground infrastructure, along with estimated date ranges for completion.
Pavement management is a strategy based on data of how roadways deteriorate over time. By predicting this deterioration using Pavement Deterioration Curve Data, we can carry out timely and cost-effective maintenance to extend the lifespan of the roads we invest in and save us from extensive and expensive future complete road rebuilds. Understanding Pavement Management Strategies will empower Fitchburg to make well-timed decisions that result in the most cost-effective outcomes. For example, Routine Maintenance can cost as little as $1.60/sq. yd, while waiting until we need Major Rehabilitation can cost us as much as $110/sq. yd.
By providing clear information, we will ensure that residents are informed about the progress and expected timelines for road improvements in their neighborhoods. We understand that road paving is very costly, and Fitchburg does not have all the funding necessary to repave every road as it stands, but with a Pavement Management Plan in place, residents can have a clearer idea of the plan for their neighborhoods and Main Roads and can plan accordingly. A vision and a strategy to get there is a crucial first step.
Our Pavement Management Plan will go beyond the roadway surface and address the underlying infrastructure. It will include a comprehensive listing of underground work that needs to be performed in conjunction with the road paving and maintenance projects. This integrated approach will ensure that our roads are not only improved on the surface but also structurally sound and resistant to future deterioration due to premature road cutting to fix broken pipes.
Step 1: Identify the Road Network & Evaluate the Existing Road Conditions through a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) - Much of this work has been started in the City of Fitchburg through our DPW Engineering work through Geographic information system (GIS) and Streetscan expenditure data.
A PCI rating ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being a brand-new perfect road surface, and a 0 being a complete failed road that requires major rehabilitation. For example, the last road data provided to councilors on our PCI was in 2018, where we had 37 roads with a rating of under 50.
Step 2: Identify the Underground Utility Infrastructure & Evaluate Existing Infrastructure Asset Conditions and Replacement Needs through Subsurface Utility Engineering Data (SUE) best practices -
Much of this work has been identified through our Fitchburg DPW Engineers and is available within our GIS data. This data set can be analyzed through an additional layer of SUE Data Index to assist with modeling to provide an Overall Road Condition Index (OCI).
Step 3: Identify additional Surface Road Assets such as Sidewalks, Treescape, Storm Drains, Manholes, Curbing, Streetlights etc.
Step 4: Forecast Road Pavement Condition using standard degradation curve analysis- This allows us to best understand where routine or preventative maintenance can be allocated versus where minor or major rehabilitation must be planned.
Step 5: Analyze information for Capital Planning Purposes – A multi-year future forecast for a Road Maintenance Capital Improvement Plan can be generated from the Pavement Management Plan. This can include Overall Road Condition Index (OCI) scenarios based on current spending or potential future spending.
By presenting accurate information with the proper data, we can forecast future road condition based on different spending scenarios and will be able to present this information to the public for potential reallocation of funds or spending increase proposals. We can utilize this data for proposals for grant funding for roadway and other similar projects that would allow us to best utilize our limited resources.
Annual Updates- To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the plan, the plan will be updated on an annual basis. Each year, the Pavement Management Plan will be reviewed and updated based on funding, completed roadway improvements, updated repair method unit costs, and evolving needs of our city and its infrastructure deterioration. This commitment to regular updates will allow us to adapt to changing priorities and emerging challenges, ensuring that our infrastructure remains in optimal condition.
Publicly Accessible- the Pavement Management Plan will be readily accessible to the public. By providing open access to the Pavement Management Plan, we will foster transparency and encourage public engagement for good government. Residents will have the opportunity to understand the planned road improvements in their neighborhoods and hold the city accountable for the implementation of these projects.
Pavement Strategy Education- New developments in Pavement Management Methods and Technologies should be reviewed and understood through education of our DPW Engineering Department Personnel.
By creating a Pavement Management Plan that focuses on transparency, clear project lists, and annual updates, we will build a stronger, more connected, and improved Fitchburg. Improved roads not only enhance the quality of life for our residents but also attract new businesses and support economic growth. Together, let's pave the way to a brighter future for Fitchburg.
As Mayor of Fitchburg, my valuable expertise, experience, and commitment will enable me to address environmental sustainability and climate change issues effectively in our city.
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP) certification in Building Design & Construction since 2008, I possess a deep understanding of sustainable building practices and their environmental impact. Additionally, I completed a Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Building Design and Construction from Boston Architectural College.
-Active member of the Fitchburg Greenway Committee since 2016, establishing strong connections with local climate and environmental organizers, gaining valuable insights into local environmental initiatives. Through my active involvement, I promote initiatives to clean and enhance the city, such as the FGC's recreational trails map and the upcoming Rock Walk Trail.
-Founded Keep Fitchburg Beautiful: Since 2016, I have been organizing city-wide trash cleanups and founded Keep Fitchburg Beautiful in February of 2020. In 2023, I joined the board of Directors of Keep Massachusetts Beautiful. By following and our Facebook page, you can participate in our spring trash cleanups and get involved.
-Municipal Vulnerability Planning Grant Training program, only one of only two elected officials to do so. I consistently advocate for Municipal Vulnerability grants to advance climate resiliency projects in Fitchburg.
-A staunch advocate and promoter of conservation and agricultural opportunities, I am dedicated to preserving our watershed lands in Fitchburg. I actively contribute to and promote organizations like the North County Land Trust, Mass Audubon Society, Citizens Climate Lobby, and Mass Citizen's Climate Forum events.
-Governor appointed member of the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board since 2018, collaborating with MassDOT and state leaders to explore multi-modal transportation options that reduce our dependence on vehicular travel. Regularly participating in Bicycle and Walk Audits in Fitchburg, I strive to improve our city's walkability and cycling infrastructure.
Here's how my qualifications and extensive experience will inform my approach to prioritizing environmental sustainability and addressing climate change in Fitchburg:
Developing a comprehensive municipal building sustainability plan: Drawing on my expertise as a LEED AP, I will contribute my knowledge of sustainable building design and construction practices to develop a comprehensive municipal building sustainability plan for Fitchburg. This plan will incorporate strategies to minimize the environmental impact of our infrastructure, promote energy efficiency, and encourage sustainable development.
Investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency: With my background in sustainable building design and construction, I have the capability of advocating for the integration of renewable energy technologies into our city's infrastructure. We will explore opportunities to incorporate solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources into public buildings, schools, and community spaces. Promoting energy efficiency is also crucial in reducing our carbon footprint. I will prioritize energy-saving measures in public buildings, promote energy-efficient practices for businesses and residents, and support programs that incentivize energy audits and retrofits.
Enhancing public & multi-modal transportation: I will continue to advocate for the expansion of Phase II of the Twin Cities Rail Trail to connect our downtown gateway directly towards our Rail Trail and increase access to this vital recreational amenity with multi-modal transportation options like e-scooters and e-bikes. I will continue to advocate to improve our pedestrian infrastructure like sidewalks, multi-purpose trails, school bus stops, and crosswalks.
Preserving green spaces and promoting sustainable land use: Through my involvement on the Fitchburg Greenway Committee, I have witnessed the importance of preserving and enhancing our city's green spaces. I will work to protect natural habitats, agricultural land, and watershed land while promoting responsible land use policies and initiatives that prioritize sustainable urban greening and agricultural opportunities and community gardens.
Educating and engaging the community: Leveraging my experience addressing constituent concerns for 6 years in public service and serving on the Fitchburg Greenway Committee, I recognize the significance of community engagement in achieving our environmental goals. I will utilize my platform to raise awareness about sustainability issues, conduct educational workshops, and collaborate with local organizations and residents to foster a sense of environmental stewardship throughout the community.
By integrating my extensive qualifications in sustainable design and environmental resiliency, I am well-equipped to lead Fitchburg towards a more sustainable future. I am committed to leveraging my expertise, engaging the community, and implementing effective strategies to prioritize environmental sustainability and address climate change in our city.
Tacos Tequilas 2 Year Celebration July 2023
To spur economic development in downtown Fitchburg and beyond, I believe that accessibility and effective communication in leadership is key. I understand the importance of being readily available and approachable to businesses interested in investing in our city. Additionally, for all the fantastic stories of success in Fitchburg... I have heard from far too many business owners that have closed or decided to never even open here due to excessive costs, delays, and red tape.
As a business owner and commercial property owner here in Fitchburg for over 11 years, and as a full-time business professional as a building engineer and design project manager for 25 years in our area, I am always in touch with our business community leaders and am made constantly aware of the difficulty for business owners in Fitchburg in trying to start or expand their business.
Fitchburg needs an engaged, forward-thinking, and collaborative leader that will listen to the needs of our stakeholders and convene regular councils on business, that work TOGETHER, to ensure we have a streamlined business permitting process for projects in the City of Fitchburg. Bringing everyone to the table—Community Development, Building Dept, Fire Dept, Business Owners and Community Stakeholders, etc-- so there aren’t surprise costs and limitations for our business owners that are already investing so much here. Our administration will never take retaliatory actions against business owners that express concerns or suggestions on improving government approval processes.
As mayor, I will ensure that I am accessible in person and through phone, email, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and any modern means of communication. By meeting people where they are and utilizing multiple communication channels, I will continue to establish strong connections with businesses and stakeholders and encourage them to live, work and invest here. We will work hard to ensure business owners are made aware FAR IN ADVANCE of any city projects that may impact their businesses (like the recent closing of a section of Main and River street in front of dozens of businesses for 4 months for example).
My decades of business management experience and three terms of municipal service uniquely position me to be an inviting and knowledgeable leader who can effectively communicate with energy, enthusiasm, and respect. I understand the needs and concerns of our business community and our stakeholders. By leveraging my business expertise and my ability to actively listen to concerns, I will work tirelessly to address those concerns and facilitate business growth in our city.
Finally, I believe in promoting Fitchburg's many assets to attract businesses and people to our city from a regional and statewide perspective. Showcasing the advantages of investing in our city, such as our strategic location, available resources, and the strong sense of community that exists here. By effectively promoting these assets, we can create a welcoming environment for businesses, fostering economic development not only in downtown but also throughout the entire city.
Not only will we be culturally friendly, but we will also be business friendly. We will strive to be a city that welcomes those who want to add value and succeed within our community.
I will be a leader who actively engages with ALL businesses, listens to concerns, and works diligently to address them. By working together, we can create a vibrant and thriving economy that benefits ALL residents of Fitchburg.
As a resident that is a product of the Fitchburg Public Schools system, our success is important to me. As a parent of a child in the Fitchburg Public Schools, her opportunity for success is of paramount importance to me….and as mayor, serving as chair of the School Committee, our student’s overall success will be of paramount importance to our city’s own success. As I have done for 3 terms as a Councilor at Large, as Mayor I will continue to collaborate with and advocate for what is best for our students, educators and all our staff to drive positive change, promote student success, and create a supportive and inclusive learning environment within our schools.
We will work to ensure we have a culture of respect, communication and action with a collaborative leader of the city and the schools. We will respect the decisions of our inclusive hiring committees, not dismiss the concerns of our educators and staff, and we will always work to improve by identifying our deficiencies and working collaboratively with our educators, students, school administration and all staff to improve upon them together.
We will work to foster an inclusive environment to where all perspectives are heard and considered, leading to more effective decision-making and the implementation of initiatives that benefit the entire Fitchburg Public Schools community.
Fitchburg High at Leominster High Thanksgiving Day Games
Investment in Educational Resources: Our educators and staff should have access to the necessary basic resources and modern teaching technology to ensure engaging learning experiences for our changing environments. We will work collaboratively to ensure adequate funding also supports extracurricular activities and programs for our students.
Professional Development: Ensuring our staff have educational opportunities with the latest research and trends in education and are able to apply that knowledge to improve teaching and learning outcomes within our schools.
Safe and Supportive Environments: Our student learning environment is crucial for success. Collaborating with our educators, parents, and community members to ensure our schools are safe, inclusive, and supportive spaces for all our students individually and as a whole. Prioritizing working with our educators to ensure policies are creating an environment that supports academic excellence, social-emotional learning, promotes equity and inclusivity, and preparing our students for future success in our changing economic and social environment.
Parent and Community Engagement: As a parent of an Eighth Grader in FPS… I have been involved in her school’s Parent Teacher Organizations and as a Councilor, have supported many other PTO and school events throughout of schools in the city. I have seen first-hand how commitment from our parents and community to our schools is very important for our student opportunity. Commitment to communication and outreach from our Schools to our parents and community members will continue to grow those commitments and help us gather feedback to ensure that school decisions are made collaboratively with our parents.
Communication with our educators and staff: Collaboration with our educators and staff will ensure they have adequate communication of important information or changes to their work environment will be a priority of our administration.
Support for Special Needs: We will continue to provide comprehensive support for our students with special needs and adequately fund special education programs and services. Communication with our parents, educators and staff to work to ensure that each student receives the individualized support they require.
Early Education: Early education sets the foundation for lifelong learning for our future students. As mayor, I will advocate for strong partnerships and communication with our local early educators and organizations to expand access to quality early education programs and work to ensure they are adequately funded.
Higher Education: Continuing to work collaboratively with Fitchburg State University and Mount Wachusett Community College to ensure students have pathways needed to pursue higher education or manufacturing and vocational training.
Equity and Inclusion: As demonstrated by recent studies, racial equity and inclusion should be prioritized in the hiring process of our school administration and educators. We must understand representation matters on all levels and address disparities in diversity and inclusion efforts to create a learning environment that respects and celebrates differences.
Maintaining our Public-School Buildings: Finally, maintaining our physical school buildings will not only save us money in future school building repairs, but is investment in the success of our students and the future of Fitchburg. Our student and educators learning environments should be at minimum well-maintained and safe…and we should work to ensure they are inspiring and allow our students and educators to thrive.
We must work to ensure every classroom, lunchroom, gym, assembly room, and playground is maintained in good condition, if not excellent condition. When we value our physical spaces, we show that we value our education and care about our children's future. We must prioritize a commitment to creating an environment where students can excel.
The general city-wide election in 2023 will be Tuesday November 7th, 2023 from 7am-8pm
There is 1 seat for Mayor of Fitchburg
There are 5 seats for Councillor-At-Large, you may vote for up to 5.
The last day to register to vote in the November 7th, 2023 City Election is Saturday October 28th, 2023 from 8:30am - 5:00pm
The last day to request a mail-in ballot to vote in the November 7th, 2023 City Election is Tuesday October 31st, 2023 at 5:00pm
IN PERSON EARLY VOTING will be available for the GENERAL ELECTION at City Hall, 718 Main St, Fitchburg, MA
Saturday October 28th 10am-2pm
Monday October 30th 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday October 31st 8:30am-4:30pm
Wednesday November 1st 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday November 2nd 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday November 3rd 8:30am-4:30pm
We don't have in person early voting for our municipal election, but you can vote by 'Mail-in ballot'.
You have two options for an absentee ballot
1. Call the City Clerk's office at 978-829-1820 and ask for a mail in ballot to be sent to your home. Fill it out and mail it back (or drop it off).
2. Stop in at the City Clerk's office at 718 Main St, Fitchburg any time M-F between 8:30am and 4:30pm and pick up a mail in ballot.
THEN: Fill it out and mail it back to the City Clerk (or you can also drop it off in person). Must arrive at city hall by election day. If received after election day your vote will not count. So fill it out and mail it back asap or place in the election box outside of city hall.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 5:00 PM deadline to request a mail-in ballot for Preliminary Election.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 5:00 PM deadline to request a mail-in ballot for Municipal Election.
Knights of Columbus Hall
165 Electric Avenue, Fitchburg MA
St. Joseph's Church Hall
46 Woodland St., Fitchburg, MA
Memorial Middle School
615 Rollstone St., Fitchburg, MA
Fitchburg Armory / Senior Citizens Center
14 Wallace Ave., Fitchburg MA 01420
Rollstone Congregational Church
199 Main Street, Fitchburg, MA
St. Bernard's Activity Complex
260 Summer St., Fitchburg, MA
For questions on voting, contact the Fitchburg City Clerk's office at: 978-829-1820
FITCHBURG — City Councilor Sam Squailia wants to make city government more accessible and transparent, spurring a “genuine change” for her hometown.
Those key reasons are what spurred her decision to challenge incumbent Stephen DiNatale for the city’s mayorship. She said her commitment to accessibility sets her apart from the incumbent and other challengers on the ballot this fall.
“An effective mayor should be readily available to listen to the concerns and needs of the community to share information consistently and directly with residents. By being out everywhere in my community and responding quickly to our resident and stakeholder needs, I am able to understand their unique challenges, and work collaboratively to address them,” Squailia said.
Squailia, who was first elected to the City Council as an at-large member in 2018, also said during her tenure as a councilor, the city has made positive investments that should be capitalized on.
Anyone who has driven on the city’s roads recently, especially residents, know the city’s roads are in rough shape — it’s something Squailia believes is the biggest challenge facing the city. Despite road condition being a top complaint for residents, Squailia said the pavement condition deficit continues to grow by approximately $4 million annually.
“As part of my commitment to finding effective solutions for our roads, I have educated myself on pavement management strategies over my three terms as a councilor, taken many road paving courses and have long advocated for the implementation of a pavement management plan as a councilor,” Squailia said. “When councilors were given an agenda item to spend $60,000 on a streetscan system in 2019, I specifically advocated for and was told we could use this data to develop a comprehensive pavement management plan. However, despite these efforts and spending, we still lack a transparent plan for our roads, leaving our constituents in the dark about which roads will be prioritized, when they will be maintained, and why they were chosen.”
Squailia said she would prioritize the development of a Comprehensive Pavement Management Strategy that will maximize dollars spent on paving. The strategy would include data on pavement condition index, traffic counts, pedestrian access, and underground infrastructure. The strategy would be available to the public, something she cites as a difference between her and the DiNatale administration.
“This will not only improve the quality of life for our residents but also enhance the safety and efficiency of our transportation system. I am dedicated to working tirelessly to address our road condition for now and into the future, and to provide the solutions our city deserves,” Squailia said.
Like most cities and towns in Massachusetts, the cost of living is increasing in Fitchburg. For Squailia, she said a multi-faceted approach is required to ensure the city is kept affordable in the long term. As part of that approach, Squailia said the permitting process needs to be streamlined, red tape needs to be reduced, and there needs to be incentives to rehabilitate vacant and abandoned properties — steps that would increase the overall housing stock.
“Fitchburg, as a Gateway City and former industrial age mill city, has a significant number of vacant and abandoned properties. These properties have the potential to be transformed into market rate and affordable housing options through rehabilitation and repair. However, the bureaucratic processes and red tape surrounding these projects can hinder progress and affordability,” Squailia said.
Squailia added, “To overcome this challenge, I propose streamlining the construction processes and reducing the red tape associated with rehabilitating and repairing our existing building stock. By simplifying the regulatory framework and providing incentives for developers and homeowners to invest in these properties, we can increase the supply of housing inventory in Fitchburg and thus help to make costs more affordable for everyone.”
In downtown and other urban neighborhoods, Squailia said the city needs to continue exploring diverse housing models that promote vibrant live-work neighborhoods including mixed-income developments and condominium or cooperative housing, to ensure a range of affordable options for different income levels.
“This will promote inclusivity and enable our diverse community to continue to thrive in Fitchburg. Collaboration with community organizations and exploring diverse housing models will further contribute to overcoming this challenge,” Squailia said.
Squailia said her decades of business management and three terms as a city councilor position her to be an inviting and knowledgeable leader who can foster partnerships with key stakeholders to spur economic development.
“As mayor, I will ensure that I am accessible in person, and through phone, email, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and any modern means of communication. By meeting people where they are and utilizing multiple communication channels, I will continue to establish strong connections with businesses and stakeholders and encourage them to live, work and invest here,” Squailia said.
As a member of the City Council, Squailia has been an active presence in the community, often utilizing social media to promote events and activity throughout the city. If she were to be elected mayor, she wants to continue being someone readily available to engage with the community and continue being approachable.
“I believe in promoting Fitchburg’s many assets to attract businesses and persons to our city from a regional and statewide perspective. I will showcase the advantages of investing in our city, such as our strategic location, available resources, and the strong sense of community that exists here. By effectively promoting these assets, we can create a welcoming environment for businesses, fostering economic development not only in downtown but also throughout the entire city,” Squailia said.
With the resignation of Fitchburg Public Schools Superintendent Robert Jokela, the district is now looking for its next leader. Squailia said the search for Jokela’s successor is of paramount importance as the mother of a child attending public schools, and as a product of the district herself.
Squailia said there were four important qualities she would like to see in the district’s next leader.
“The next superintendent should be a collaborative leader. They should have the experience and the ability to listen to and understand the needs of our teachers, students, and staff. By fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment, the superintendent can bring all stakeholders to the table and create a shared vision for our school district. A collaborative approach ensures that everyone’s perspectives are considered, leading to more effective decision-making and the implementation of initiatives that benefit the entire Fitchburg Public Schools community,” Squailia said.
Additionally, Squailia said the next superintendent needed to have a strong understanding of educational best practices and a commitment to student success. She wants the superintendent to be knowledgeable about research and trends in education and how they can be applied to improve teaching and learning outcomes in the schools.
“The superintendent should prioritize creating an environment that supports academic excellence, social-emotional learning, promotes equity and inclusivity, and prepares our students for future success in our changing economic and social environment,” Squailia said.
Effective communication skills are also on the list of qualities for Squailia. She said she wants the individual to be able to communicate with multiple stakeholders including teachers, parents, School Committee members, and community members. This ability will help build trust, provide an informed understanding of community needs, and foster strong relationships, Squailia said.
“Our school superintendent should be forward-thinking and innovative. They should be willing to embrace new ideas, technologies, and approaches to education. By staying abreast of emerging educational practices and advocating for innovative programs, the superintendent can ensure that Fitchburg Public Schools remains at the forefront of providing high-quality education,” Squailia said.
In addition to searching for a superintendent that embodies these qualities, Squailia said she would continue to collaborate and advocate for what is best for students, teachers, district staff, and the superintendent for positive change, student success, and to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
In addition to seeking a collaborative superintendent, Squailia said she will be a collaborative mayor with partners at the city, state, and regional level. Part of being an effective collaborator is being active and engaged, Squailia said.
“Collaboration requires respect and effective communication. As a candidate for mayor, I value the importance of communication and enjoy engaging and talking with all people. By actively listening to the concerns and ideas of residents, city officials, and partners, I will ensure that their voices are heard and incorporated into our decision-making processes. By utilizing additional communication channels, such as live videos, online platforms with quick communication, and on-site community forums, we can further facilitate open dialogue and allow for broader participation,” Squailia said.
Squailia continued, “Effective communication, combined with a genuine passion for engaging with people, will create a culture of collaboration and ensure that all voices are heard and valued.”
Spring has sprung and that means annual cleanups in honor of Earth Month and Earth Day are taking place across the Twin Cities and beyond. A group of energetic students from McKay Elementary School in Fitchburg working in conjunction with the United Way Youth Venture Program did a cleanup of the Mama Fitz Playground on Green Street on April 13, located right near the Fitchburg State University Recreation Center. “This [was] planned and developed by the group of students, which also led me to the idea of this group to pilot the Junior Park Ranger Program in the City of Fitchburg,” said Fitchburg Recreation Director James Bunnell, adding that the students worked “with members of my parks crew to help clean up the playground.” The students all received an official brightly colored park ranger t-shirt and pledge certificate. Bunnell said they were thrilled to have the helping hands, “something very positive for the city.”
A cleanup recently took place at Coolidge Park in conjunction with Keep Fitchburg Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, and Fitchburg Dog Park volunteers. A dozen volunteers picked up seven bags of litter and 30 bags of leaves, a pile of branches, cleaned the fence all around the park, cut back trees and bittersweet, picked up toys and dog poop, emptied the three green poop cans and the two main park trash cans, and filled the Little Free Library located there with more books.
“Big day!! Park looks amazing,” Keep Fitchburg Beautiful founder and City Councilor Sam Squailia posted on social media following the busy day. There are several more cleanups scheduled over the next several weeks and into May. A full list of planned events can be found at
An 11-month-old adorable Boston Terrier named Rafi was recently given the title of the top dog in the city and an elementary school student was honored as the winner of the sixth annual Dog License Awareness Poster Contest.
Rafi’s humans Jared Graves and his husband Andres Hoyos-Cespedes bid on and won the first dog license of the year at the annual Puppy Love Auction in February. All proceeds from the event benefit Friends of Fitchburg DOGS, Inc., the nonprofit organization that along with the city works to maintain the spacious dog park at Coolidge Park that opened in August 2018.
Upwards of $1,500 was raised through this year’s auction and a total of $9,000 since its inception in 2017. Funds are used to maintain the dog park including paying for all the poop bags, trash bags, pooper scoopers and everything else needed to keep it a nice place where dogs can run free.
Previous number one tagged dogs include Zelda in 2017, Bartley in 2018, Cash in 2019, and now Rafi.
“We’re excited for Rafi to have been selected as Fitchburg’s #1 dog of the year,” Graves proudly said. “As residents of the city for the past two years we were eager to welcome a dog into our family soon after moving here. Rafi is turning one year old this month and he’s already established himself as a sweet and playful little brother to our two cats, Fabiola and Lupita. We love to explore the local parks and forests together and of course visit with our pup-friends at the city dog park.”
In other canine news
Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets and the Fitchburg Police Department gave out certificates and goody bags to the winners of the sixth annual Dog License Awareness Poster Contest at the April 3 School Committee meeting. Crocker Elementary School fifth grader Wren Wibbin Winter was awarded first place for her colorful and creative representation of several happy dogs that reminds people to ‘Love Your Dog License Your Dog.’ According to a press release Police Chief Ernie Martineau was among the contest judges and he explained that he thought Wren’s winning drawing with many different types of dogs “reflected the diversity of Fitchburg, which is a really important part of the city that we all love.”
Wren’s drawing was made into a poster that will be shared in the community to remind pet owners to get their dog licensed. She, along with the other student winners — Angel Guzman, Janayhia Guzman, Thiago Huertas Reyes, and Jorge West — received trophies and recognition from Be PAWSitive and the police department at the April 4 City Council meeting. Be PAWSitive Director and a longtime City Councilor Sally Cragin organizes the contest, which is open to all city school children in first through fifth grade.
“This was a record-breaking year, more than 700 drawings were submitted, and we thank Mrs. Morrison, art teacher at Crocker Elementary School, for making this contest an all-school activity,” Cragin shared in the release.
The annual community event is sponsored by the Fitchburg Police Department, Fitchburg City Clerk’s Office, Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets and Community Education and Friends of Fitchburg DOGS, Inc.
We are writing this letter to thank Second Chance Animal Services for making the Jeffrey P. Stephens Low-Cost Pet Vaccine Clinic possible earlier in March at Fitchburg Fire Department. We had 58 dogs and cats receive microchips and vaccines, marking the 12th year of this annual clinic. Enormous thanks to our friends at the Fire Department who graciously accommodated a “pop-up” menagerie of owners and pets on a very chilly Saturday. We will have another in September — please visit secondchanceanimals@org for more information about taking good care of your pets.
— Sally Cragin, director Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets and Community Education & Sam Squailia, president, Friends of Fitchburg DOGS, inc.
Fitchburg High School senior Skyleigh LaRose sat in the front row of the auditorium and listened intently, as City Councilors Amy Green and Samantha Squailia talked to students in teacher K. Courtney Franklin’s Women and Gender Studies class. “They are very inspirational and very well-spoken,” LaRose said.
Green and Squailia — Women in Politics guest speakers on Wednesday morning — were open and honest when fielding a plethora of questions, ranging from why they got into politics to juggling a work-life balance and how they can better serve the youth in the city.
“My goal was for the students to see who is involved in making the decisions that affect their town,” Franklin said, “and how they could get involved in bringing about the change they would like to see in Fitchburg. I think the candid response of both Amy and Sam that they need input from the students on what ideas they have was an opportunity to get involved in their community.” All in all, it was a tremendous success, said Fitchburg Public Schools K-12 Social Studies Director, John Maderosian.
“I’d like to congratulate K. Courtney Franklin and thank her for her efforts to single-handedly plan and facilitate this panel discussion,” Maderosian said. “Students were engaged and asked some really important questions to the two city councilors, who gave their time to come and speak with our students. Although K. Courtney Franklin is new to the Fitchburg Public Schools, she has been willing to jump right in with both feet and work to create more educational opportunities for students, which includes developing a Women and Gender Studies elective course from scratch. I’m so thankful that she accepted a position and is now part of the FPS family.
“Any time we can bring the field into the classroom or vice versa, we create authentic learning experiences that transcend the classroom and whose impact is longer term, and we certainly saw this (Wednesday). As we continue to work collaboratively to build an authentic, rigorous, engaging and culturally-responsive social studies program for our students, we will do our best to continue to make these learning experiences available to all our students.”
Green, who was elected to the city council in 2013, says her goal is to move Fitchburg forward in every aspect. “I got tired of yelling at my TV because there was no change happening,” Green said of why she got into local politics. “This was my way to give back and have a seat at the table. You have to be the change if you want change. We should take pride that Fitchburg welcomes any and all to our community.”
Squailia, elected in 2017, fielded a question about work-life balance and how the councilors play that daily juggling act.
“The city council is not a full-time job, and many of us are retired or work other jobs,” said Squailia, crediting her husband for helping more at home and watching their daughter, who attends Longsjo Middle School, when she’s at various events or meetings in the city. “I wake up and go to work, then I work more. I’m always working. I still don’t know how I have the time.” The topic of working in a male-dominated industry also surfaced. “We have to work harder — 30 to 50% more and overcome gender stereotypes,” Squailia said.
How to better serve the youth of the city was a hot topic. “We have struggled with what to do with our youth,” Green said.
Squailia said voicing concerns or offering ideas will help greatly. “We need to hear from the youth,” Squailia said. “The city does a lot, but we could do more … we need to do more.” She added: “We need ideas, but we need leaders – leaders and advocating. There are a number of ways to advocate. Reach out.”
Fitchburg High freshman Iyanna Louis is inspired to make a difference in her hometown. “I want to help my community,” Louis said. “I want to start some programs here. There are so many abandoned buildings, and we could make great use of the space.” LaRose added: “It was nice to hear that they want to help the youth in Fitchburg.” Louis and LaRose both briefly stayed after the event to introduce themselves and chat up Green and Squailia.
The Litter Buster of the Year award recognizes an individual Massachusetts volunteer for his or her efforts to prevent and/or clean up litter in their community. It’s for those unsung heroes who do the dirty work of cleaning up other people’s messes.
Like most of the people working to keep Massachusetts beautiful, Doug Haynes, of Fitchburg, saw a problem and “took action to address it,” said Sam Squailia, chair of Keep Fitchburg Beautiful.
Squailia said that Haynes has enjoyed his time volunteering at Keep Fitchburg Beautiful events and has been volunteering at Fitchburg cleanups for more than 20 years.
“You can always find Doug ready to clean up at any event with his bright red Fitchburg Civic Clean-Up Corps t-shirt, which is almost 20 years old,” Squailia added. “Doug made it a 2022 goal to personally fill 100, 30-gallon yellow trash bags, and he succeeded!”
Whether the Keep Fitchburg Beautiful team is cleaning up roadside litter, recovering dumped items by the river, in the woods, and or at random vacant lots or former homeless camps, Haynes answers every call for help and shows up with a smile, and his own tools.
“He is a great partner during cleanups who helps make the time pass quickly through friendly conversation and teamwork,” said Squailia. “Thank you, Doug and congratulations on being named a 2022 Litter Buster of the Year.”
The Keep Fitchburg Beautiful crew members have been busy bees, participating in cleanups over the last two weekends at various spots around the city.
And they’re not done yet — more group cleanups are scheduled every weekend through the end of May.
The group was founded by City Councilor Sam Squailia, who has lived in the city most of her life.
She was inspired to organize Keep Fitchburg Beautiful, which falls under the Keep Massachusetts Beautiful umbrella, in 2020 with the intent of bringing together like-minded individuals who are invested in keeping the city safe and clean.
“I started getting involved in the city ward cleanups years ago,” Squailia recalled. “At the time we had four weekend dates for cleanups but soon realized even that wasn’t enough. We need more time to clean up the city, so I started organizing smaller scale group cleanups of specific areas in the city.”
She would ask for area suggestions in the Discussing Fitchburg Group Facebook page she moderates and then put out a call for volunteers to join the cleanups, “getting outside in the spring fresh air and making new friends while improving the city one block at a time.”
Since then, the army of volunteers has done numerous cleanups both on their own and in conjunction with city organized annual ward cleanups, including most recently participating in the city’s wards 1 and 6 cleanup effort this past Saturday.
Squailia’s group and other volunteers cleaned up litter in the area of Duck Mill Road, some of the Twin Cities Rail Trail at the intersection, and “a bit around the corner.”
“We cleaned Water Street from Family Cafe to the gas station here and we spent an hour picking up the litter and then two hours cleaning the sidewalk,” Squailia said. “There used to be like 24 inches of passable sidewalk here. We trimmed trees, cut brush, scaled the banking to clean trash, blew dirt and sand out into the street for the street sweepers at Fitchburg Housing Authority, cleaned the sidewalks, and now it looks amazing. The pedestrians should be happy.”
After a lunch break that included a hot dog from the Salvation Army, the group started part two of the Saturday work — cleanup and revitalization of the Herman Bourque and Gus Johnson baseball fields with Fitchburg Youth Baseball volunteers.
“This entrance was so full of vines and trees and branches and leaves,” Squailia said, adding that the volunteers spent three hours cleaning up the front entrance to the field. “What a difference, it looks so good. The field is beautiful. In all my life as a Fitchburg resident, I had never even been up here. It’s a beautiful area.”
She said they had many volunteers at the field cleanup, estimating more than 20 people including young baseball players and their parents.
“The incredible turnout for the baseball field cleanup really stood out,” Squailia said. “Those parents really stepped up.”
She said that “thanks to generous donations” Fitchburg Youth Baseball was able to purchase mulch, supplies to fix the grounds, and “Fitchburg red paint for the concession building.”
“What a transformation today,” Squailia said of the field project. “Thank you to everyone that pitched in and to my solid friends for helping pull vines for hours. We were all scratched up and tired, but I feel like I accomplished something for the community, something greater than myself, and for that opportunity I am grateful.”
The last in the trifecta of cleanups Keep Fitchburg Beautiful was part of last weekend took place on Sunday Gateway Park Community Garden, where volunteers gathered 15 bags of leaves, “a huge pile of brush and old growth, and weeded the gardens and got them ready for gardeners.”
“It looks beautiful,” Squailia said.
She said none of this would be possible without not only the hardworking volunteers but many city organizations, departments, and local businesses who are also happy to help pitch in.
“Thank you so much to the Keep Fitchburg Beautiful volunteers, The Salvation Army Fitchburg, Central Mass Mosquito Control Project program, City of Fitchburg Board of Health, and Fitchburg DPW for all the help,” Squailia said.
Besides the legion of volunteers who stepped up for the city-run ward cleanups, she said several of the “regular” Keep Fitchburg Beautiful volunteers were there including Bob Baron and Josiah Richards as well as Doug Haynes, “who has been volunteering for many years,” and Joanne Martin and her husband, “who also are always there to help.”
“For the Gateway Park cleanup, Josiah Richards organized with Christopher Benoit who really does a great job with the flowers at Gateway Park Community Garden, Joan David from the Mayor’s Office joined as well as Edward Troxler from Eddy’s Music, Benjamin Peterson, Raj Dandamudi, and a few community gardeners,” Squailia said. “I appreciate the help so much. Every person can make a big impact.”
The office of Mayor Stephen DiNatale, the Department of Public Health, and Department of Public Works is inviting the community to take part in the annual wards cleanup initiative, with two more taking place from 8 a.m. to noon on April 30 and May 7.
Volunteers are needed to clean neighborhood streets and parks. Coffee, doughnuts and lunch will be provided as supplies last. Trash bags, gloves and masks will be supplied, and televisions and monitors will be accepted for a $10 fee. For more information or to coordinate a group participation call 978-829-1801 or visit
Keep Fitchburg Beautiful will be part of the ward cleanups as well as its own group organized cleanups that will run through the spring.
“The more opportunities people have to come help join a group and clean up the city, the more we get done,” Squailia said.
Recoveryfest 2021 organizer Michael Murphy has very personal reasons for putting together the Aug. 21 fundraiser to benefit Newcomers in Recovery. Sober for six years now, a feat he calls “a miracle,” Murphy was inspired to organize the event being held at Riverfront Park Saturday from 2 to 10 p.m. after taking a stroll through the Laurel Street location a while back with a woman who approached him and explained that people sleep there.
“Raising funds for newcomers in recovery became a passion once I took a walk around the park and saw the addicts,” he said. “It was almost like a no brainer, I said let me see if I can use the park.”
A self-defined recovering addict, Murphy grew up in Oxford and has lived in the city for almost six years with his wife and their two children. He said he has been wanting to throw “some sort of dance party” since attending a masquerade party he and his friends had put together pre-pandemic for a 12-step recovery program and hopes to make Recoveryfest an annual event.
“Newcomers in Recovery is not an organization, it is a bunch of friends who are in recovery,” he said.Murphy called At-large City Councilor Sam Squailia and asked about using the park for Recoveryfest and she said “absolutely.”
The event is being emceed by Katie Follet and will feature several local bands and musicians including New Saints Army, The Vinyl Countdown, DJ George, DJ-Q, William M. Hennessey and Mike Touch.
“I have always loved going to music events and knew of a couple performers that are in recovery,” Murphy said. “I am looking forward to listening to music and having a good time. I only know the addict side of it, but it is hard to go places that do not serve alcohol.”Vinyl Countdown bass guitarist Brian Kelly said the irony of quitting drinking on Cinco de Mayo this year is not lost on him, penning on social media on June 30 that he “put down the bottle and picked up running shoes.”
“I wanted to challenge myself to get in shape for summer, plus my (3-year-old) daughter Freddy was at the age where she started to copy everything Dad does, so I wanted to set better examples for her,” he said. Kelly was born and raised in Leominster and moved to Baldwinville in 2018. He said when the band was offered the Recoveryfest gig by Murphy “we happily obliged.”
“The band consists of music teachers from the area, so an event that helps the community seemed like a perfect fit for us,” Kelly said. “We’re looking forward to finally being able to play live events and to help those in recovery meet others in recovery in a safe, friendly and engaging environment.”
Murphy said he has had a lot of assistance with planning the event, which was originally going to be capped at 500 people but was greenlighted for 2,000 people, including lining up food trucks, activities for kids his wife “is taking care of,” corn hole, face painting and more. “I had the idea for the event, but there have been so many other people who have helped me,” Murphy said.
With so much divisiveness in our society on so many different levels, often women are painted as uncooperative and unable to associate with each other. To move forward, the Fierce Fabulous Fitchburg Females — including Kenisha Coy, Jennifer Jones, Audrey Pendleton-Chow, Jessie Olson, Coe McIninch and Sam Squailia — believe these harmful accounts need to be addressed and dismantled.
“One of the best ways of dismantling the idea of women is by demonstrating through authenticity,” said Kenisha Coy, of My CARE Initiative. “There is a bond within sisterhood that can aid those involved directly and then there is representation, which is important on all levels including, positive interacting among women.”
The Fierce Fabulous Fitchburg Females are collaborating as one to offer a Roundtable Discussion centered around local leadership in the arts and cultural sector in Fitchburg.
“Many of the women have stepped into roles having been the first within either ethnic, gender or other cultural classifications and identifiers,” Coy said. “Coming to the discussion table, the women of varying ages, racial and other strata are bringing their talents for the betterment of Fitchburg. This roundtable will present different topics, by different women united by arts, cultural and civic comradery.”
The Roundtable Discussion, which was hosted by Sam Squailia, can be watched on FATV’s “Discussing Fitchburg Now” by clicking here or visiting
Let’s meet the Fierce Fabulous Fitchburg Females:
Kenisha Coy
“The purpose of this event was to gather local women to uplift, share and connect our experiences in leadership,” Coy said. “I’m a believer of art having the ability to heal and transform lives. I love and live in story and the narrative. Finding beauty, especially during this pandemic at times has been hard but, important. We need more ways to bring us together and I think art has a way of doing this.”
What went into getting this event done was very much like leadership: willingness, requests and feedback.
“A variation of distinct women were contacted and in wanting to keep this discussion small, hopefully with more in the future, questions were passed along among us and discussed via emails and messages through social media,” Coy said.
Coy believes that being a woman is beautifully complex, there isn’t one cookie-cutter woman.
“There isn’t one sole way of being a woman,” she said. “You define what being a woman is and, help not hinder other women — allow for your light to shine and know that another woman’s light doesn’t mean yours has to diminish.”
Jennifer Jones
Jones is treasurer of the Fitchburg Cultural Alliance and wants to share how how privileged she feels to still have a voice in the direction of arts and culture in the city.
“Art and culture mirrors humanity and society,” she said. “It expresses who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. It is also healing. It gives us a reason for being, defines our identity and brings joy and beauty into our daily lives.”
Jones says that knowing your neighbors, respecting differences, working together to solve problems around shared goals is what community means to her.
“Arts and culture in communities provide a bridge to inclusiveness, diversity, beauty, inspiration and healing,” Jones said. “Like all people, we need our voice to be heard, respected, and given equal access. Arts and culture is another way of speaking our truth and to tell our story.”
After a rewarding career with the Fitchburg Public Schools as an arts administrator, Jones said she is most proud of teaching music to children.
“I am currently composing music,” she said. “And working on a book titled ‘A Collection of Expressive Piano Pieces for Children,'” with her own original music.
Jones believes its crucial to learn something new, challenge yourself, “listen intently to others, open your heart and find a way to give back to your community.”
Audrey Pendleton-Chow
Pendleton-Chow is owner of Curious Escape Rooms/co-chair of the Fitchburg Cultural Council and she is thrilled to have this opportunity to spread awareness of the Fitchburg Cultural Council and other arts and culture organizations on what they do.
“I want to highlight the amazing events and programs the city has to offer,” she said. “I want to support the incredible women in leadership that I have the honor of being in this roundtable discussion. And I hope to encourage other women, young kids, artists and people from various backgrounds to become leaders and get involved in their community.”
If there was ever a question of the necessity of the arts, Pendleton-Chow believes that has been answered during this pandemic.
“How many of us relied on art and creativity to bring light and beauty in a dark time?” she asked. “We are blessed to live in a golden age of streaming television. I appreciated the breakdown in societal standards of ‘what you’re supposed to do’ or ‘what is expected,’ including my own high expectations. I am the kind of person who can become overly excited for potentially amazing experiences, events, plans, etc. However, I have had no expectations during this pandemic and that has been freeing. It allows me to appreciate every moment of spontaneity, uniqueness, and gesture of love.”
Jessie Olson
Olson is the newly appointed president of the Fitchburg Cultural Alliance.
“I am glad to know all these women through various connections and committees,” said Olson. “I observe how they run businesses, host events, educate, help and lift others, and get things done. Imagine the things we can get done if we bring our resources and energy together?”
However, Olson says we all need to know we aren’t going it alone.
“Nothing is more motivating than the knowledge that someone has your back,” she said. “And if someone has your back, you know how important it is to be there for someone else.”
Olson’s thoughts of the isolation this year due to the pandemic is something she wants to share.
“We’ve all been in our separate worlds, connecting mostly through screens,” she said. “And screens are fatiguing. But, to invoke a cliché, it certainly makes one appreciate what matters. Sharing conversation and ideas with others. Seeing a smile. Making something instead of experiencing the reality we know dissolving. I have found myself in more intentional conversations because they matter and my biggest hope is that we hold onto the recognition of what matters.”
Sam Squailia
Squailia believes that women are still facing many barriers when trying to rise through leadership positions.
“Traditional gender roles, cultural issues, and social stereotypes have to be overcome by women to succeed,” she said. “Women can work to support other women to reverse the stereotype that we try to tear each other down trying to compete for the ‘seat at the table — by creating more seats for women – inviting them in, encouraging and asking them directly to run for that position, or apply for that job, write that book, or start that new business.”
Coe McIninch
McIninch is an artist, maker, educator, and photo-media specialist at Fitchburg State University, along with past chair of the Fitchburg Cultural Council.
“Art reaches across so many social, ethnic, socio-economic and cultural barriers to touch the common narratives that make us all human,” said McIninch. “People coming together to share experiences, stories and ideas and then building from the strength of that shared knowledge is what is most important.”
McIninch believes that arts and culture, whether formally and publicly presented or shared only in smaller circles, gives women a chance to remember and honor the quieted voices and collectively amplify the stories and ideas that should never have been hidden in the first place.
That truth has power,” she said. “Women have been historically silenced and discounted in the celebrated narratives of the past and still lack the same representation and recognition in professional and creative circles as their male counterparts. On another note: In the past decade, only 11% of all work acquired by the country’s top museums was by women. The call for equality in the arts is still quite strong.”
McIninch states that the arts offer us an alternative way of communication and exploration. They offer a way to focus on an idea and break it down to its barest parts.
“When there are cultural, spiritual, ethnic and language barriers to be crossed, many times, it is the art, music, song and dance that help us find a common ground in our humanity,” she said. “That common ground is the seed for collective experiences to grow into a vibrant new community.”
Connection, interaction, and engagement are all important necessities in life.
“This has been a tough year and it’s been a year of awakening,” said Coy. “For so long there has been a long running narrative of, ‘… it can’t be done.’ So many access points have shut down due to the pandemic but, many have also opened — the way we connect and interact is important and hopefully not taken for granted.”
Coy is also quick to point out that this discussion roundtable isn’t to suggest these are the only women in leadership.
“This is just a snapshot — a significant one — but one nevertheless of the women in our community who have been leaders in arts and culture and, who want to make a positive difference in our city,” she said. “We all have that in common and that unites us for sure, newer leadership as well as more seasoned. We hope you join us.”
The big red mailbox that collects letters to Santa has been a holiday staple on Main Street since 2017.
Hundreds of letters from children of all ages are collected yearly in the mailbox, which is stationed outside the post office near the Upper Common. One of Santa’s helpers who works at the post office, Kristy Tedeschi, has a direct pipeline to the North Pole and helps get the letters to Santa and his responses back to the children.
“The post office has always accepted and answered letters that mail carriers get from their routes,” Tedeschi said. “I took the job over a few years ago. Previous years it was just stuff collected from carriers but once the box came, the amount of letters increased by hundreds.”
According to organizers, everyone who sends a letter using Santa’s Mailbox will get a letter back if the address is legible. When asked when the letters should be dropped off at the mailbox in time to get a letter back from Santa, Tedeschi said: “The sooner the better, but I have been known to hand deliver them on Christmas Eve.”
Six-year-old Siulianys Muñoz-Negrón of Fitchburg recently dropped off her letter to Santa on a snowy day.“She was so excited to send Santa’s letter in the middle of this situation we all are in,” said her mother Dianne Negrón Ríos. “It is like a magical hope in the middle of all this.”
Tedeschi has worked for the Postal Service for 18 years, 15 of those in Fitchburg. She said around 400 letters from children are delivered to the mailbox during the holiday season — and each child gets a letter back from Santa.
“I really enjoy helping with the Santa mailbox,” Tedeschi said. “It’s great to be able to participate in keeping that magic alive. There hasn’t been much to look forward to this year and life has been really tough for a lot of people, so I think this year more than ever giving that little bit of normalcy to kids is important. Sometimes I get lucky and I get to see the little Christmas twinkle in some kid’s eyes as they put their letter in the box knowing that it’s on its way to Santa.”The Santa mailbox has truly been a community team effort and continues to be. Dave MacDonald of Lunenburg, who is active with the Salvation Army in Fitchburg, approached City Councilor-at Large Sam Squailia three years ago about putting a mailbox in Fitchburg like the one in his hometown.
MacDonald got the mailbox from Macy’s, Shane Huntley of CJ’s Auto Body & Repair in Fitchburg fixed it up and installed the concrete footing for it, and D & G Custom Graphics in Fitchburg donated Santa graphics to put on it. The Fitchburg DPW puts the mailbox out each year after Thanksgiving and takes it down and stores it after Christmas.
“People love it, it is the best thing ever,” Squailia said. “People take pictures of their kids mailing their letters and post them, and when they get a return letter from Santa, they post a video of the kid hearing the letter. The kids just love it, and it makes you feel good when you drove up the street and see a kid at the mailbox. It adds a little bit of magic.”
On Wednesday night, residents and elected officials living in Unitil’s coverage area were irate over another proposed rate increase by the utility company and denounced the move for its potential disastrous impact on the community.
The public hearing was part of the Department of Public Utilities procedure following a Unitil petition on Dec. 17 to raise its gas distribution rates by $7.3 million and electricity distribution rates by $2.7 million. However, Unitil recently reached a proposed settlement agreement with the Attorney General’s Office on Jan. 31 to reduce those rates to $1.06 million for electricity and $4.60 million for gas. Based on the settlement, residents on average would see an increased cost of about $2.73 a month on their electricity bill and about $17.09 a month on gas. If approved, the gas rates would go into effect on Sunday and the electricity rate would kick in on Nov. 1. Several members of the public, however, said the settlement ignores the fact that any rate increase would hurt residents who are already struggling to pay their costly bills. “Any increase in heating or electric rates is going to make it extremely difficult for residents who are already struggling to financially survive,” said Fitchburg resident James Norris. “If Unitil is allowed to increase these rates, it will further the problem. It will make the economic recovery that Fitchburg is trying to make all the more difficult.” Another speaker, Tara Rivera, recalled a heartbreaking phone call she received from an elderly woman who was trying to set up a payment plan with the utility. However, instead of getting assistance, the woman was turned away, she said.“She was told to put on a sweater, lower the heat, and shut everything off,” said Rivera. After the hearing, Unitil Media Relations Manager Alec O’Meara said the corporation “respects the process” that allows rate-payers to comment. From this point forward, the decision whether to approve the increase is in the hands of DPU. Resident Owen Ross pointed out that Fitchburg residents are paying more on their utility bills than neighboring towns and some of the richest municipalities in the commonwealth. “We are one of the poorest cities in the state yet we are paying in excess of the state average,” said Ross. “It is illogical and predatory further squeeze more revenue from a low income and working class community. Another resident held a homemade sign reading, “People over profits.” Other residents spoke about the current cost of their utility bills, including one resident who said one recent bill soared over $1,000. One 70-year-old resident said the rate increase would be “highway robbery.” He added that he’ll spend time at Barnes and Noble, or go for long walks hoping he can reduce his overall utility usage and his bill. Mayor Stephen DiNatale said Unitil is experiencing financial prosperity and that it is wrong to ask the residents of the commonwealth to shoulder the burden of another rate hike. “In 2018, (Unitil) continued to show strong operating financial results which have translated to great returns for their stakeholders,” said DiNatale. He added that on Jan. 30, Unitil announced a net income of $44.2 million in the previous year — an increase of $11.2 million from 2018. “Residents of Fitchburg cannot and should not shoulder distribution increases to recover whatever Unitil considers a loss,” said DiNatale. “It is time for the Department of Public Utilities to help curb the high costs Massachusetts ratepayers bear.”
Fitchburg At-large City Councilor Sam Squailia noted that many residents and businesses are being forced to make difficult decisions because of the rising costs of utilities.
“We cannot afford this increase,” she said. “The current gas and electric rates are already a major detriment to the growth of Fitchburg, and to the growth of raising our standard of living for our working class and low-income residents.”
Fitchburg City Council President Michael Kushmerek said the city’s growing economy and recent success are imperiled by Unitil’s proposed increase. “Companies like Unitil endanger the chance and the opportunity in places like Fitchburg to rebound and prosper,” said Kushmerek. Joan Mullahy, of Fitchburg, said it was both frustrating and overwhelming to learn about a potential increase on her bill. Mullahy said senior citizens would be hit the worst by the hike. In Fitchburg, she said, about 12% of residents are elderly and about half earn less than $10,000 a year. “When you’re talking about a $500 gas and electric bill, think about that,” she said. Fitchburg resident Pamela Markham said people shouldn’t be going to bed cold while Unitil executives line their pockets with money.
FITCHBURG — The city recently became home to a new organization that’s striving to keep its streets beautiful.
Chapter Leader Sam Squailia announced on Feb. 5 the Keep Fitchburg Beautiful initiative and its plan to clean up the city. The organization is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, a national nonprofit group. “The main purpose of the group is really to put an organization behind the cleanup and beautification work we do already here in Fitchburg,” Squailia, a city councilor, said on Monday. “To promote what we do, get more people interested and involved to help, and grow and empower our volunteer community to be able to effectively help out on their streets.” Squailia said the city organizes several cleanups through the Health Department and Department of Public Works each year already, and she helps coordinate weekly cleanups in the spring.But now, she said, there’s an organization totally devoted to cleaning up trash and beautifying the city. “These cleanups are a great way to meet neighbors, get exercise and fresh air while cleaning up the roads we live on, drive on, and walk on in our city,” said Squailia.
Squailia said she was inspired to create the organization after learning about Keep Ashby Beautiful and decided it was time for Fitchburg to have its own official chapter. She said it’s the goal of Keep Fitchburg Beautiful to create, promote, and help coordinate events designed to clean and improve the community. “ We intend to collaborate with existing organizations and work with sponsors for projects to beautify our city; making it cleaner and greener,” Squailia said.
Keep Fitchburg Beautiful recently held its first organizing meeting on Thursday, where Squailia was elected as chapter leader and five co-leaders were selected. Those co-leaders include Ward 3 Councilor Andrew Couture, Fitchburg Rotary President-Elect Alexander Vera, Fitchburg Art Steward Sam Godin, and community volunteers Joe Bowen and Josiah Richards. The group will hold monthly meetings through the end of the spring and starting again in the fall to help plan cleanups and beautification projects throughout the city.
Keep Fitchburg Beautiful is funded through its sponsorship with Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, said Squailia. It’s affiliation makes the group eligible for a $500 yearly cleanup grant. The group also plans to request sponsorships and donations from the community to pay for cleanup efforts, she said. Squailia said anyone in the community that’s interested in lending a hand can join the effort.
“We need our community to help in any way they can,” she said. “Cleaning up a bag of litter on their morning walk, to joining in one of our weekly spring cleanups down the streets and in the parks of Fitchburg.”
Monthly meetings will be posted on the groups Facebook page, and on its website at
The city was one of only a handful that used a dual tax rate to levy taxes
In an effort to support business growth in Fitchburg, the City Council on Tuesday voted 8-2 in favor of adopting a single tax rate to shift the tax burden from commercial and industrial properties to residential properties.
Eight councilors favored the new rate, saying that it will make the city more attractive to businesses in the long run. Two councilors opposed the move, arguing that residents should be protected from large increases. This vote means the owner of the average single-family home can expect to pay $194.62 more in taxes. Had the council approved the same rate calculation as last year, taxes would have increased by only $127.28. Businesses and residents will now be taxed at the same rate, at $19.72 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The new tax rate means the average industrial property will pay $670 less in property taxes this year, and the average commercial property owner will pay about $390 less. Last year, the City Council voted to adopt a tax rate that was about 6% shy of a true single tax rate.
…Beauchemin said he would only vote in favor of keeping last year’s tax rate. At-Large Councillor Sam Squailia, who was also in opposition, said she agreed that the shift needs to happen but it should be done over a longer period of time. “We’re all in agreement in moving toward a single tax rate, I think the only thing that we disagree on maybe is how quickly we get there,” said Squailia. She said residents feel they are already being taxed too much each year, and that the shift would represent another unfair burden on them.
FITCHBURG — Calling all pets! Second Chance Animal Shelter will be offering $5 rabies vaccines from 10 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Aug. 10 at West Fitchburg Fire Department located at 231 Fairmont St. First-come, first served.
This event is sponsored by Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets and Community Education with Friends of Fitchburg Dogs.
“We offer a regular low-cost vaccine clinic in Fitchburg every spring, and Leominster, every fall,” said Be PAWSitive director Sally Cragin. “Second Chance, and Fitchburg Fire Department have been collaborating with our organization for the past eight years, and we are so proud of our partnership.”
“We urge all dog and cat owners to bring their pets for an essential health service,” said Friends of Fitchburg Dogs President Sam Squailia. “Having a third vaccine clinic in the Cleghorn neighborhood means we’ll reach even more pet-owners.”
Fire Chief Kevin D. Roy will be required by law to retire at age 65 next January, but by petitioning the state Legislature for an extension, he hopes to tack on a few months to his nearly 25 years of service. A “Home Rule Petition” was unanimously approved by the City Council on Tuesday which would waive the mandatory retirement age for Chief Roy, who is currently set to retire on Jan. 30, 2020. The petition now heads off to the Legislature for approval. If approved, Roy would lengthen his term by an additional five months to June 30, 2020.
According to City Council President Michael Kushmerek, Roy requested the extension to complete a few projects before he officially retires. One of those projects includes an upgrade to the Fitchburg Fire Fighter Memorial in the Upper Common, said Kushmerek. Roy also hopes to train the new fire chief when the city finds his replacement.
City Councilor Sam Squailia also said Roy has a personal goal to reach 25 years on the job. “I fully support Chief Roy requesting a five-month extension for all the reasons he stated,” said Squailia. “I’m thankful he is so committed to us.”
Drivers who encounter potholes, dips and divots along Mt. Elam Road will soon have a smoother ride after the City Council voted Tuesday to allocate $190,000 to repave 1.2 miles.
“Nobody thinks of it this way because it looks like your typical wooded back street, but it is actually a gateway road into the city,” said At-Large Councilor Anthony Zarrella.
Mt. Elam Road needs urgent attention, according to metrics from the Department of Public Works.
Paving will take place from No. 330 to Route 2. The money, which will be from the city’s available funds, will be used for the paving with state Chapter 90 transportation funding. In total, the project will cost $640,000.
At-Large Councilor Sam Squailia said she is happy to see the city providing more money for paving on Mt. Elam Road, but expressed concern that the project will use about a third of the city’s available Chapter 90 funds.
Ward 2 Councilor Paul Beauchemin said he was under the impression that the city’s most-traveled roads would receive priority for paving. He asked what system is used to determine which projects are addressed first.
Squailia noted that the city has a “main roads” list that the Public Works Department releases, but it can be arbitrary. Roads that need attention aren’t always considered main roads, she said, adding that the city doesn’t have a formal pavement management plan.
To his owners and the City Clerk’s office, Cash the dog is number one. The canine received the first dog license of the year through a fundraiser by the Friends of Fitchburg Dogs, the nonprofit organization that works with the city to maintain the dog park at Coolidge Park that opened in August. “(The title) is kind of an honor,” said Rob Talbot, one of Cash’s owners. “It’s a prestige thing and we wanted to help the dog park out.” He takes Cash to the park at least once a week. The space is just under an acre and has fenced areas for small and large dogs. At the beginning of the month, Talbot went to the Friends of Fitchburg Dogs fundraiser at River Styx Brewing where the auction prize was the right to register for the city’s first dog license of the year.
“Anything you do with dogs is a winner,” said Sam Squailia, president of the group. “It’s all super fun.” The event raised about $4,000, she said, and Friends of Fitchburg Dogs will write a check to the city so the money can go into a fund that pays for park maintenance. On Friday, Talbot and Sam Nieves, Cash’s other owner, brought the dog to the clerk’s office to get the license. This is the third year the Friends of Fitchburg dogs has held the fundraiser. The other dogs that received the first licenses of the year were Zelda Ferreira in 2017 and Bartley Walsh in 2018, Squailia said.
The group is also planning a dog festival in August and a Halloween costume festival that will take place at the park, she said. About a dozen members organize events for Friends of Fitchburg Dogs, Squailia said, and there are 160 members of the organization. The city’s dog park has been a draw by people and their pets from all over the region, said Squailia, with visitors from the North Central Massachusetts region, and southern New Hampshire.
In Fitchburg during last week’s storm, City Councilor Sam Squailia wasn’t behind the wheel of any municipal plow trucks. She didn’t treat roads. Nor did she carry a dispatch radio to attack problem areas.
Nevertheless, Ms. Squailia appears to be a central figure in storm operations because of her embrace of social media. She launched Discussing Fitchburg Now on Facebook three years ago, and it’s approaching 18,000 members.
“Generally people don’t call me,” said Ms. Squailia, who’s been on the council two years. “They send me a Facebook message. It’ll be, ‘Sam, my street is so icy; I can’t get out. Can you send a sanding truck?’ ”
If the message is received during weekday business hours, Ms. Squailia said she will send a quick email to the street superintendent, and the department is on it. But if the request is made during off-hours, weekends or holidays, Ms. Squailia recommends the requester call dispatch themselves.
Not everything has been negative, the elected official suggested. The councilor said she’s received positive feedback from residents about their interactions with a new Fitchburg dispatch operator.
“They write back saying he was so nice, he got right on it and was kind and friendly,” she said. “I sent a message to the DPW director, just letting him know that whatever you did with the new dispatcher, they’re doing a great job.”
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Fitchburg City Councilors Sam Squailia and Beth Walsh visited Devereux’s CARES School on 270 Airport Road recently to learn about the focus of this specialized school.
CARES provides state-of-the-art elementary and secondary education services for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities. Students are supported with a clinically- integrated curriculum that focuses on functional and pro-social skill development, effective communication and community-based experiential learning.
CARES is a state-accredited day school for students ages 8 to 22. There is an elementary track and a high school program.
Squailia and Walsh observed the small classroom settings where specialized instruction addresses each student’s unique strengths and needs.
Bright and cheerful classrooms are designed to accommodate six students per class with one teacher and two teacher aides. There is also a nursing office, a computer lab and a large gym outfitted with exercise and sports equipment. Occupational therapy is incorporated, as well as an after school component that reinforces vocational skills and encourages community involvement.
The goal of CARES School is to enable students to transition to a life of greater independence and advancement to potential employment or higher education, based on their own specific goals.
CARES School is part of Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health — Massachusetts and Rhode Island. By combining the latest advancements with compassionate treatment and family engagement, Devereux helps individuals look forward to life full of meaning and potential.
Single-family homeowners will be paying a larger share of the city's tax base due to a new tax rate that sharply divided city councilors during a Council of Whole meeting Thursday.
This vote means the owner of the average single-family home can expect to pay $238 more in taxes. Had the council approved the same rate calculation as last year, taxes would have increased $170 on average.
The city is working toward a single tax rate for commercial/industrial and residential taxpayers. Had the council voted for a single tax rate Thursday, the average homeowner's annual taxes would have increased $306.
…..Beauchemin and At-Large Councilor Sam Squailia also voted against the motion. Squailia said she supports a more gradual change to a unified tax rate, but the trend since 2014 has been to shift it 2 to 4 percent annually.
"In that time we've also raised the water bills multiple times, the sewer bills multiple times and, of course, I'm sure the electric rate will go up, so 6 percent feels too drastic to me," she said.
On Sunday, the dogs get their turn to dress up during the Howl-o-Ween Pet Costume Parade.
The event starts at 10 a.m. (rain or shine) and ends at 1 p.m. and will be held at the city's new dog park at Coolidge Park.
"In 2018 we had over 35 dogs register for the pet costume contest parade in the pouring rain," said dog park president and City Councilor Samantha Squailia. "This year the forecast might look a little ruff, but our dogs are tough and we are still planning for a 'FURociously' good time."
Registration for the pet costume contest in $10. Prizes will go to dogs, and other animals, with the best pet costume, funniest costume, scariest costume and best human/pet couple costume.
'City officials pounded pavement Tuesday morning on a walking tour of the newly designated "Fitchburg Arts and Cultural District," which for the next three years will benefit from a program aimed at spurring development in Gateway Cities.
The program, called the Transformative Development Initiative, is run by MassDevelopment, the state's quasi-public agency that works to stimulate economic growth in the state.
"It's like a business accelerator, but for places," said executive director of the program, Noah Koretz, of the Transformative Development Initiative.
MassDevelopment last spring chose Fitchburg, Chelsea, Lawrence and Worcester to participate in the initiative.'
'On the final leg of the walking tour, officials stopped at the Fitchburg Art Museum. Across the street, construction was underway on the Fitchburg Arts Community, which is taking shape inside the old B.F. Brown school.
Once completed, the mixed-income community will house 70-80 tenants who each work in the field of the arts, as well as studio space.'
Koretz, the MassDevelopment executive director, said developers thinking about buying or rehabbing a building in the "Fitchburg Arts and Cultural District" should reach out to Torres for guidance. (Torres can be reached at
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Gardeners & volunteers cleaned up the Gateway Park Community Gardens in Fitchburg on Saturday, October 20, 2018. They pulled weeds racked the area and fixed the walkway. they also had new wood to build new garden beds. The wood was gotten through the Gateway Park fund and with some help from Growing Places.
Residents and business owners packed a public hearing of the License Commission Monday to decry a draft policy to regulate "bring your own bottle" service in the city.
Under the terms of the draft regulations, only restaurants that offer table service would be permitted to allow BYOB.
Currently, the city is home to at least six BYOB businesses, including some that do not serve meals like Putnam Street Lanes bowling alley and Sparrow's Art on the Rocks.
In response to a public-records request submitted by At-Large City Councilor Samantha Squailia, Martineau said he learned police were twice called to Il Forno in the past, but that "Il Forno did everything correct, the police were called it was handled quickly, it was not a big deal."
Two petitions against the draft regulations that were signed by more that 2,000 people combined were submitted by Squailia, who called on the commission to scrap the draft regulations.
Squailia said the draft regulations were copied almost "word for word" from those in effect in Boston, a city that is different demographically from Fitchburg and which, until adopting the regulations, banned the practice completely.
Currently, there are no regulations restricting the practice of BYOB in Fitchburg.
"I would recommend the License Commission to accept the 100's of comments and signatures, and give the petition leave to withdraw entirely," she said.
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City councilors put the final kibosh the proposed "pocket park" at 116 Day St. in honor of local abolitionist Benjamin Snow Jr., but several councilors Tuesday committed to finding another way to memorialize his legacy publicly.
At-Large City Councilor Samantha Squailia was the lone vote in favor of the petition, and Ward 1 City Councilor Amy Green was absent.
Snow's large land holdings in Fitchburg included the now vacant, city-owned parcel at 116 Day St.
What a triumph! The Second Chance Animal Services low-cost vaccine/microchip clinic this past Saturday was an enormous success. Some 135 pets were microchipped, and many more received vaccines. This is our seventh year providing this clinic and our second in Leominster, which was hosted by state Rep. Natalie Higgins at the Office of Emergency Management. Second Chance is able to come to our region regularly, thanks to a generous donor.
Our friends at Second Chance treated tiny terriers, mighty big hounds, plus cats of all colors and sizes. Enormous thanks for OEM staff who provided the venue, Sophie's Mission, who help so many residents with emergency pet care food and supplies, and many volunteers who came to help with guests.
Stay tuned for the March Clinic, to be held in Fitchburg, and thank you to residents who came from every city and town to take care of their pets.
SALLY CRAGIN, Be PAWSitive Therapy Pets and Community Education
SAM SQUAILIA, Friends of Fitchburg Dogs
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The prospect of a "pocket park" honoring the late abolitionist Benjamin Snow Jr. on Day Street land he once owned dimmed on Monday.
The Committee on City Property of the City Council voted 4-1 against recommending the full City Council delay selling the vacant lot at 116 Day St. in order to explore the creation of a memorial park honoring Snow.
The decision came after people, including former Fitchburg Mayor and City Councilor Jeffrey Bean, Civil Rights Activist Adrian Ford and former Fitchburg State University Associate Vice President Shirley Wagner, spoke in support of the proposal, which has been developed by Mount Wachusett Community College Students for over a year.
Supporters called on members of the property committee to seize an opportunity to commemorate the role Fitchburg played in the movement to abolish slavery, a role several said they were unaware of before the students and their instructor, David Thibault-Munoz, began pushing for the park.
Civil rights activist Adrian Ford, chief executive of Three Pyramids, recalled the "barbaric, brutal system of slavery" that Snow worked to end and the white clergy that called for Ford's own protection after his life was threatened during the tumult of the Civil Rights movement in Fitchburg decades later.
Ford said supporters convened the Friends of Fitchburg Abolitionist Park to serve as stewards of the proposed memorial park, and Three Pyramids Inc.
At-Large Councilor Samantha Squailia was the only member of the property committee who voted in favor of the park proposal. She said the proposal included plans to create 4 city-owned parking spaces, just two fewer than could feasibly fit on the parcel.
She said she fully supports the proposal, which should be located at 116 Day St., "where the history occurred."
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Nearly 100 dogs took to the almost-one-acre, fenced-in space for man's best friend, on National Dog Day, no less.
Eric Hanson and his corgi, Finch, check out the rocks that have been placed at the Fitchburg Dog Park. SENTINEL & ENTERPRISE / NICK MALLARD
In addition to space for running, the park featured rock formations for climbing, several other obstacles and multiple watering areas.
The park itself is split in half by a fence, with large dogs on one side and pups under 30 pounds on the other.
"I'm excited for it and I know a lot of other people are too," City Councilor and Friends of the Fitchburg Dog Park President Sam Squailia said.
Dynamite and Finch play together at the park. SENTINEL & ENTERPRISE / NICK MALLARD
"It's been a lot of work to get to this point, but I'm happy it's turned out as well as it has and that there are so many people here to enjoy this with us."
Economic plan outlines steps for Fitchburg growth Sentinel & Enterprise 7/19/2018
How can the city attract new residents to patronize new and existing businesses all while maintaining what makes Fitchburg unique?
A course of action was proposed to the City Council on Tuesday, when a draft version of the Economic Development Strategic Plan was presented.
Though the number of businesses located here has grown over the past decade, Bohart said the number of local jobs declined over the same period.
In the city today, there are about 62 jobs available for every 100 residents of working age, according to data she presented Tuesday. Organizations in the education, health and social services sectors are the city's largest employers.
Many residents leave the city during the day for work, so restaurants miss potential lunch crowds, she said. Each year, residents spend $50 million on food and drink outside the city that could have been spent in Fitchburg.
At-Large Councilor Sam Squailia, commenting on the report, said some existing restaurants are struggling to attract customers.
Bohart said the city must support both new and existing eateries to ensure established restaurants "don't feel as though we're so focused on bringing in new that we don't celebrate what we have."
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"Yes, we did," responded Commissioner of Public Works Lenny Laakso when asked if the nation's second-largest pizza chain was picked for a $5,000 paving grant through the promotion, Paving for Pizza.
"I don't know how many people might have put our name in," he said. "This will help us keep going for an extra couple of weeks."
At-Large Councilor Sam Squailia said Friday she learned of the promotion in June.
"Why not?" she asked, and nominated the city.
She said she nominated Fitchburg for the paving award because of the city's "well-known road complaint.
After shared news of the promotion on her social media page Discussing Fitchburg Now, Squailia said hundreds of people nominated Fitchburg, too.
"It got a bunch of traction," she said.
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The City Council on Thursday decried UMass Memorial HealthAlliance-Clinton for announcing the impending closure of its Burbank Campus Urgent Care center without gathering input from the community it serves.
UMass said in late May the center would close because of budgetary constraints, citing declining Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements as having contributed to the deficit.
At-Large Councilor Sam Squailia said at a recent legislative breakfast attended by Deborah Weymouth, the hospital system's president and chief executive, she was told that daily patient volume at Burbank urgent care fell from 38 in 2015 to 26 in 2018.
She echoed Chalifoux Zephir's concern over the lack of community involvement in the closure process, and noted how CareWell, unlike Burbank Urgent Care, does not have a doctor on site.
"There wasn't really a good outreach to the community, the transparency is noted, and the community should be a partner within the organization of HealthAlliance," she said.
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For the third consecutive year, the City Council passed Mayor Stephen DiNatale's budget with only minimal adjustments.
Among the biggest wins for the mayor was the City Council's agreement to forgo filling the chief assessor's position, which was left vacant when former Chief Assessor Kenneth Wilson retired in January. Instead, the budget allocates $150,000 to contract an outside company to provide these services.
Both Councilor Beauchemin and At-Large City Councilor Sam Squailia initially proposed cutting the contracted services line item in favor of keeping the position within the city. Beauchemin said he was concerned about any effects on customer service and Squailia was skeptical the change would actually be a cost saver.
Two of four cuts proposed by Squailia requested a reduction from revenue sources in the budget. She requested the city refrain from raising property taxes the full amount allowed under state law. She termed this proposed $62,000 tax reduction as "symbolic."
She also called for the city to reconfigure funding sources for the Department of Public Works.
None of her proposed cuts nor any of the four cuts proposed by Beauchemin were approved by City Council. Council also voted down half of Councilor DiNatale's proposed cuts.
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At-Large City Councilor Sam Squailia questioned many of the guidelines proposed for social media pages run by City Councilors, which calls for the elected official to "take an active role in moderating that site."
Walsh said this includes councilors to request those who "defame, threaten or demonstrate racial bias or otherwise inappropriate postings" to remove their post.
Reading from the guidelines, Squailia raised concerns with some of the other suggestions, including those that ask the councilor to disallow comments that use profanity, are from people using fake names or are unrelated to the original subject of the post.
"They're insist(ing) that it's a nonbinding set of guidelines, but I'm concerned that it opens up the city to liability," said Squailia.
Squailia, who was elected to her first term in November, is one of two moderators of Discussing Fitchburg Now, a popular community Facebook group with over 16,000 members.
She believes the guidelines, if passed, could allow other councilors to use comments on Discussing Fitchburg Now for a political "witch hunt."
When asked, Pusateri said the decision to propose guidelines for public official's social media use was not related to Squailia or Discussing Fitchburg Now.
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Before the interview began, Fitchburg City Councilor Sam Squailia took a photo of her lunch: two maki rolls and a mango bubble tea from Sawa Sushi.
Within the hour the image was posted in Discussing Fitchburg Now, the community Facebook group she moderates that boasts 16,000 members and counting.
"Lunch at Sawa sushi Fitchburg delicious and fairly healthy (winking emoji)," captioned Squailia, who won her first bid for public office this fall.
"The more information that we share, the more the people know what's going on, the more involved they want to be," she said. "That's one great tool of Facebook."
Squailia said she tries to keep her own posts upbeat and promote involvement in the city, but the conversations posted by others on the page she moderates are less predictable, sometimes verging into the absurd. She recalled one incident where a poster claimed they found underwear in a sandwich served by a Fitchburg restaurant.
"Sometimes there's something funny that's happening," Squailia said. "You wish they didn't post it, but it is entertaining. You take the good with the bad."
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Thank you to Jeff Porter & Nick Mallard of the Sentinel & Enterprise for joining us on #EarthDay to cover the Rock Walk Cleanup at Rollstone Hill aka #TheQuarry Great photos! Was an amazing day...
Community Leaders Sam Squailia and Joe Bowen gather loose trash on Rollstone Hill rock on Sunday is celebration of Earth Day.
Stephen Baldwin and Max Keiser hit the road on their third day in Chicago, driving straight through to the Bay State while discussing music, ‘Free RV Day’ and bad political references. Once in Massachusetts, Max tries being a short order cook while Stephen sits down to talk politics with a young woman running for local office – if only he can remember where he is.
At-Large Councilor Thomas Donnelly said recreational or adult-use marijuana offers a chance to capitalize on "spin-off" from people visiting an area of the city to purchase or consume marijuana and then patronizing nearby businesses.
"Empty buildings, Main Street, malls, wherever they are -- bring people there," he said.
While some At-Large Councilors like Marcus DiNatale and Sam Squailia advised support for the marijuana industry in the city, they argued that voting against the community-agreement, which would allow a business to locate in an area it had already chosen, would be counter-productive.
"I agree that we need to discuss the location of where we're going to put retail sales and we're going to be able to do that ... but right now that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about now is to allow this business continue to apply for a state permit, for a cannabis control permit," she said. "We're allowing them to continue to move forward."
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The City Council approved a $1 million allocation to begin the City Hall renovation project at its meeting Tuesday night.
The council approved the City Hall project appropriation, which will be funded from free cash, 8-1, with At-large Councilor Sam Squailia voting no and At-large Councilor Anthony Zarrella recusing himself, according to the city clerk.
Related to the City Hall renovation project, the council also approved the "first reading" of a loan order for $22.5 million. That loan order must have a second reading, Feb. 6, before the city can seek bonds to finance the project. (Squailia against)
It was standing room only in the Memorial Middle School library as residents, public officials and local leaders weighed in on the proposed $23.5 million City Hall renovation Thursday night.
In a public comment session in front of City Council that lasted almost two hours, supporters called City Hall a key element of the city's economic development and a historical icon. Opponents described it as a cost the city can't afford and said money would be better spent on school renovations and ongoing maintenance.
Of the 50 people who spoke during the comment period, about 30 expressed support for renovation. Most of the remainder spoke against putting money toward the project, at least this year.
Some described the project's connection to other redevelopment efforts. Others, including several parents, called councilors to support the city's children by putting money into public school infrastructure.
"I would love to see a new City Hall, but I don't think it's fiscally responsible," said Laurie Grover, who said she became concerned about the project after learning about it on Facebook. "These are our tax dollars and we deserve a word about how it's spent."
The City Council, in an 8-1 vote, turned down a petition signed by about 50 residents calling for an extended public comment period on the proposal. Only At-Large City Councilor Sam Squailia voted in favor of the proposal.
Following the comments from both the public and city councilors, the Council as a Whole recommended a $1 million appropriation and $22.5 million loan order to the City Council. To pass, the council must vote on the proposals twice: at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday and again on Feb. 6. Squailia was the only councilor to vote against the recommendations.
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Students, parents and staff are concerned about the condition of a Fitchburg middle school they say is in disrepair.
The roof of Longsjo Middle School is leaking, forcing teachers to put buckets in their classrooms, and a problem with the heating system cleared out a few classrooms Tuesday and cancelled after-school activities Wednesday, Fitchburg Superintendent of Schools Andre Ravenelle told Boston 25 News Thursday.
A staff member who asked to remain anonymous told Boston 25 News water is leaking into several rooms on the fourth floor. She also said a heating issue has caused extreme cold and heat at varying times.
City Councilor-At-Large-Elect Sam Squailia told Boston 25 News she believes city funding should be prioritized for Longsjo Middle School at a time when a multi-million-dollar City Hall renovation is in the works.
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Next year's City Council will have some old faces and some new, according to unofficial election results from Fitchburg Access Television News.
In the crowded At-Large field, Marcus DiNatale, Dean Tran, Samantha Squailia, Anthony Zarrella and David Clark were the top vote getters earning them a place on City Council.
Though a political newcomer, Squailia is a familiar face in the community through her Fitchburg Access Television show and Facebook group, both called Discussing Fitchburg Now.
Outside the Senior Center at 6:30 p.m., volunteers held signs for At-Large candidates Zarrella and Squailia.
"I've been here on and off since 7:20 a.m.," said Aerevyn Harteis, 47, who held a red and white Squailia sign.
She and the three other people promoting candidates in a huddle outside the center said this was their first time holding signs for a political candidate.
"Sam has a great way of motivating people and getting people involved in the community," said another person in the group, 58-year-old Donna Bonora.
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CITY COUNCILOR-AT-LARGE: This race has drawn a whopping 10 candidates for the available five seats, and we are impressed with all of them. We recommend a mix of incumbents and challengers who we believe will ensure that City Council is a strong, deliberative body. This group will ask the tough questions and put the voters first. We endorse incumbents Marcus DiNatale and Dean Tran, and challengers Kelly Johnson, Sam Squailia and Anthony Zarrella. DiNatale is a fiscal watchdog, and Tran is unmatched on constituent services. Squailia's work to bring a dog park to the city shows she can get people behind a good cause. Johnson cares a lot for her city -- and cares even more about its people. And Zarrella has demonstrated through his service on the Zoning Board of Appeals that he will give every issue due diligence. These five candidates will help move Fitchburg forward.
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Stats: Samantha Squailia 🗳️🔍 Age: 35 Address: 225 Scott Road Family: Married to Nick with one daughter, Nicolette, 7.
Occupation: Architectural engineering designer and project manager at McKenzie Engineering Co.
Education: Bachelors in architectural building engineering from New England Institute of Technology, credits toward a Masters of Architecture from Boston Architectural College.
Political experience: Submitted her name for vacant At-Large City Council seat in 2016, advisory member of Fitchburg Farmer's Market, Board of Directors at Fitchburg Cultural Alliance, member of the Fitchburg Greenway Committee, Board of Directors of Fitchburg Pride, Board of Directors of Longsjo Classic, President of Friends of Fitchburg DOGS and volunteers on Holiday Decorating Committee and Fitchburg Public Schools Gala Committee.
Most recent book you read: My Father's War by Charley Valera
Three ways you, if elected, you will improve Fitchburg: increase fiscal responsibility, promote economic development, encourage community engagement
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"Dozens of canines -- and their human companions -- took to Coolidge Park on Sunday, taking part in the Fitchburg Dog Park's inaugural Howl-o-Ween Pet Costume Parade and Walk.
Dogs of all breeds and sizes donned costumes, ranging from pumpkins to spiders, characters fictional and real. A registration fee of $10 was required of all non-Friends of the Dog Park, with all $470 raised going toward the dog park and low-cost vaccine clinics for pets.
"They're out here for fun in the pouring rain," Friends of Fitchburg Dog Park Committee member and event organizer Sam Squailia said. "It's great to see people coming out and having fun for this."
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"...candidates, like Johnson and challenger Sam Squailia, urged the need to maintain the properties the city already owns with Squailia pushing for a focus on the "core needs, not the ones we can't afford."
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"...Baldwin described the premise of the show. "It was this mostly silly idea I had to want to go out and connect with everyday people in a way they can relate to," he said.
"Jerry Seinfeld has a show where he's driving around in one of his fancy cars, drinking fancy coffee, talking about his fancy friends and it's funny. My show is Steve Baldwin hosting the Great American Pilgrimage, which is me and my three dogs in an RV driving across the country, but this time we're meeting regular folks and we're drinking regular coffee and it's still funny."
The crew's first Fitchburg stop was the Moran Square Diner, where Baldwin, Keiser and At-Large City Council candidate Sam Squailia chatted about running for office, Fitchburg and America over coffee.
"To me, America is our freedom," Squailia said during a later interview with the Sentinel & Enterprise.
She said a producer from the show reached out to her on Friday or Saturday about the interview.
"I said, yeah, sure let's do it," she said.
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Dean Tran*: "I have already supported changes to the two-year vacant property bylaw that require a special permit from the City Council. Developers no longer require a special permit from the City Council as the process contributed to red tape and inefficiency. I will continue to support streamlining the process."
Samantha Squailia: "I support the city efforts to reduce the regulatory burden on investors to remove the 'two year rule' requirement for a special permit in cases of one- and two-family residential property. Many properties are pre-existing, non-conforming use within the zoning requirements; as such, a comprehensive look at our zoning ordinances and overlay, considering multiuse future potential, is necessary."
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Join your neighbors as a buyer or a seller at the Second Annual Fitchburg Communitywide Fall Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Sept. 24 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. There are already 38 addresses on the list (as of Sept. 15) with more being added daily. The inaugural Spring 2017 communitywide yard sale had over 78 houses participating. In addition to yard sales at individual homes, this year there will be a community location at the parking lot at FAV Consignment, 105 John Fitch Highway. This will be available for both days....
"After years of discussion, planning and fundraising, the Board of Park Commissioners approved plans for a 0.8 acre dog park in Coolidge Park following a hearing Thursday night."
"... the project is expected to go out to bid this fall and construction would start in the spring, according to Recreation Director Nathan LaRose. Construction will be paid for through a grant and money fundraised by Friends of Fitchburg Dogs Inc., according to organization president Sam Squailia. Last year, the group secured an up to $250,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation and fundraised another $27,710 to use toward constructing and maintaining the park..."
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For most elected officials, re-election won't be a guarantee as candidates vie for seats on a relatively full ballot of both new and familiar faces this November.
In total, 26 candidates were certified for the ballot by deadline Tuesday afternoon....
Several newcomers will also join the race for five councilor-at-large seats.
Among them is Sam Squailia, who runs the popular Facebook page Discussing Fitchburg Now and hosts a FATV show of the same name.
The architectural engineer at McKenzie Engineering Co. previously submitted a letter of interest for Stephan Hay's unexpired councilor-at-large seat when he became a state representative but was not selected.
Donors ensure no more empty flagpoles at Fitchburg's Heritage Park Sentinel & Enterprise 07/19/2017
The mostly empty flagpoles at Heritage Park at the intersection of Boulder and Main streets will be full once again next week thanks to donations from over 50 residents. Sam Squailia, who runs the popular Facebook page Discussing Fitchburg Now, said residents donated enough money to buy 39 international flags after she posted a request for donations on the page in early June.
"I heard that we only had three flags at the park and felt that we could help," she said. "I knew that I could reach out to the community and they would want to donate flags. Or at least I could try." Fitchburg Recreation Director Nathan LaRose said when the park opened in 1976 all the flags that flew in the park were donated.
Over the years donations "dried up" and the city started buying flags for the park instead, he said. Two years ago the Board of Park Commissioners decided to go back to the donation-based method where resident were able to choose which flags flew by giving them to the city. "Last year I believe it was filled, but this year we hadn't received very many donations," he said. Depending on the weather, the 3-by-5 foot flags generally last about a year, according to LaRose. As of Tuesday, only the American, Irish, Israeli and Italian flag still flew in the park, which has 30 poles.
Squailia partnered with Joe Firmani of Operation Service, Inc. -- a nonprofit that primarily benefits military personnel -- to collect the donations. "We were happy to do it, because its just a nice little project," Firmani said. Squailia dropped off the flags from Central Flag and Gift in Leominster to the city offices last Thursday. LaRose said a city employee will hang the flags next week when the employee gets back from vacation. The flags will be periodically switched out and flown in order of donation received.
Photo by Ashley Green/Sentinel & Enterprise
Women's self-defense class taught valuable skills for good cause Sentinel & Enterprise 06/9/2017
It was suggested in my workout group that we should coordinate a women's self-defense class in light of recent attacks, such as the tragic murder of Vanessa Marcotte and a Seattle woman fending off an attacker at a Seattle Park restroom in March. So we coordinated with Len Brassard at Family Martial Arts Center in Fitchburg and the Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation to hold a special women's self-defense class -- free for the community -- at FMAC.
With 40 women in attendance, Brassard led the hourlong class teaching us basic techniques of how to stand, how to block, how to strike effectively, and how to defend against someone grabbing you, and we were able to practice every technique ourselves on 20 martial-arts trainers and volunteers. We all even got to flip the biggest of guys over our shoulders!
We asked for a $10 donation for each student, and raised over $445 from our community alone, which FMAC rounded up for a $1,000 donation to the Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation, which is fighting for a world where women live boldly and fearlessly.
I had a great time at the class, and already am feeling more empowered! Much appreciation to FMAC for the generous donation of their time, knowledge, facilities and monetary donation for the cause.
We will be working next with Fitchburg State University to hold a Women's RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) Program,which is a 12-hour class broken up into a few days or weeks, this summer.
We'll be posting about it soon in the Discussing Fitchburg Now Facebook group, so be sure to follow for updates.
A change of heart over campaigning in Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise 06/7/2017
The Civic Days Committee on Tuesday reversed its decision to bar candidates from campaigning during the Fourth of July Parade.
"With welcomed comments from the community, the Parade Committee will maintain the campaign division in the parade for 2017," the Civic Days Committee said in a statement issued early Tuesday evening, after field questions from the media, including the Sentinel & Enterprise, about the initial decision to block campaigning during the parade.
"This should be overruled," Ellen Cunha, a former Civics Days organizer said earlier Tuesday, before the committee's reversal. "Think of Fourth of July. What is that all about? Our freedom. Our freedom of speech."
SUNDAY NOTEBOOK: Sentinel & Enterprise 05/21/2017
IF YOU'RE LOOKING forward to spending several evenings at the city of Fitchburg's annual budget meetings this year, rein in your expectations. The City Council has two budget meetings this year, down from six last fiscal year.
The first, on May 30, will be a presentation of the mayor's budget to the City Council, followed by an opportunity for questions from councilors and a review of proposed cuts, according to the agenda.
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FITCHBURG -- The map is available online, but it's up to residents to find the treasures during the communitywide yard sale on Saturday.
"Having a communitywide yard sale makes it more of a special event," organizer Sam Squailia said. "You've got a map of every yard sale. You can spend the whole day yard 'saling.'"
Sentinel & Enterprise 05/12/2017
FITCHBURG -- The 21st Annual Boulder Awards presented by Fitchburg Access Television on Thursday handed its top prize to Sentinel & Enterprise Editor Charles St. Amand.
The Boulder Awards recognize those who positively impact civic life through public communications.
City Council candidate and host Sam Squailia won Producer of the Year for her show "Discussing Fitchburg Now," a new program spun off of her popular Facebook group by the same name. "I'm so grateful to FATV for everything," Squailia said after snapping a selfie with FATV's Dave Oster.
SAM SQUAILIA HAS made her decision: she will run for councilor-at-large.
The moderator of the Facebook page "Discussing Fitchburg Now" and host of the FATV show of the same name pulled papers for both an at-large and Ward 4 seat in April. However she didn't announce the focus of her council bid until Wednesday night during her campaign kick-off at Beemers Pub & Grill.
In a follow-up Facebook post Squailia called the evening "AMAZING."
FITCHBURG -- Two city parks may soon become a place for more than just outdoor activities.
Residents Sam Squailia and David Pierre-Louis propsed placing a Little Free Library in Coggshall and Coolidge parks at the Board of Park Commissioners meeting Tuesday.
The two-foot by two-foot boxes mounted on a wooden post would be a place to take and leave books, said Squailia, a Fitchburg City Council candidate and moderator of popular Facebook page Discussing Fitchburg Now.
Fitchburg resident Diane Thibodeau was picking up trash on the edges of the I.C. Credit Union parking lot Saturday morning.
"I did it last year and I really found it satisfying to make a difference in how our city looks," she said. "I get really upset when I look around at all the dirt and trash."
Sam Squailia and Helena Miles, who have both pulled papers for city council, also joined the cleanup effort.
"(It's) the broken window theory," Squailia said. "The cleaner that you make it the less apt people are to trash it."
On March 4, I held an art studio painting class that was funded by a grant I was awarded from the Fitchburg Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
The class was titled "The Accessible Art Project." It was held at the Arc of Opportunity in Fitchburg. The project was to bring people of all abilities together to paint as artists, and it turned out to be a huge success.
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We are writing to thank everyone for coming out to the Rabies Vaccine Clinic on Saturday at the Fitchburg Fire Department to get their dogs and cats vaccinated. More than 165 animals were treated, with a total of 330 vaccinations - a record high number.
Facebook groups such as Discussing Fitchburg Now and Leominsterites Unites are at the epicenter of how people communicate, gossip, find the best hamburger in town, insult each other, help each other, locate lost pets, insult each other more and find out anything else that is happening locally in the Twin Cities.
The proposed dog park in Coolidge Park is on track to receive a grant of more than $200,000 thanks to an $11,500 donation from the Workers' Credit Union Thursday.
Using the donation, the nonprofit raising money for the park, Friends of Fitchburg Dogs Inc., can cover the 10 percent match needed to receive a $230,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation.
On Wednesday night, Kim Maxwell will kick off her campaign for state representative in an unconventional way -- by focusing on the accomplishments of others, rather than on her own.
I am writing to say thank you to so many people who made the amazing "Laugh It Out: Benefit Show for Sally Cragin & the Therapy Pets" event a standing-room success.
Sam Squailia organized a fantastic event with Lisa Fortunato and Alison Kidd, who worked with the Board of the British American Club, which kindly hosted, provided food and raffle donations, and arranged for a quartet of hilarious and ribald comedians to entertain the audience: Jerry Caruso, Paul Durrance, Greg Boggis and Bob Sheehy.
I'd like to express my full support for the one-lane Main Street proposal and design concepts presented at the City Council Meeting as prepared by A.T. Leonard & Associates.
We want to support our Main Street businesses, yet we allow a two-lane highway through and out of downtown.
It's not comfortable to walk or bike downtown being so close to fast-moving traffic, especially for those who are older or have physical limitations.
On Wednesday night, Kim Maxwell will kick off her campaign for state representative in an unconventional way -- by focusing on the accomplishments of others, rather than on her own.
Keeping the city's recreational spaces clean isn't always easy, but as another year of outdoor sports begins, athletes know it's worth it....Sam Squailia, a resident who organizes regular cleanups of city neighborhoods and public spaces, said people don't always respect the work. "We cleaned up Water Street a few weeks ago, and I drive by there all the time and there will be bottles and things," she said. Squailia, like Antocci, maintains a positive attitude, saying, "It's still cleaner than we found it. We're making progress."
I so appreciate the support and thoughtful words from so many people on my offer to serve on the council. The messages, calls and comments I've received are way beyond anything I could have imagined. It means a lot to me, and I feel amazingly grateful to live in this community that cares so deeply.
Our City Council are all thoughtful members of our community that serve our city. We are all on the same team. We all want what is best for Fitchburg. We all care.
We can disagree on decisions made -- while respecting that the responsibility to make those decisions rests on the officials that we elected.
When we choose to take an active role in our local government and get involved, we cannot lose. Effecting positive change takes all of us working together, with respect and accountability.
Squailia represents a new generation of Fitchburgers committed to improving the city. Even before she applied for the vacancy, she had already worked to clean up the city through her and her husband's Trash Bag Challenge, and she has led the effort to build a dog park in the city. Her active presence on Facebook through the Discussing Fitchburg Now page and on FATV is helping hundreds of residents take greater interest in the city and its future. She'd also add a woman's voice to the council. If we had a vote, she'd get it.
All of the applicants should be admired for stepping forward with a willingness to serve, and all of them deserve careful consideration by the 10 councilors who will fill the vacancy on April 5.